The pain of being hit rolls through my limbs. It’s excruciating.

I let out a roar, though my body isn’t torn to shreds as I expected. The train didn’t hit us, it wentthroughus.

“Oomph!” I grunt, wincing as pain shoots through my shoulder.

Wait, what?

I glance down, seeing my body not flattened or in a ton of pieces.

Hazel hyperventilates in my arms, and I glance over my shoulder, seeing only the shadow of a train. Not a real one, but one that’s transparent, fading into nothing as it moves farther away from us.

“I’m alive?” Hazel gasps.

I sit up, bringing her with me. I can barely control the wild beating in my chest as I check my body over, and yup, still in one piece.

And then I glance down at Hazel’s foot, seeing it not locked in the track, but instead laying gently on it.

She looks down at the same moment, confusion and disbelief tearing through her as she moves her bare foot from side to side, her small pants breaking from her chest. “What the hell just happened?” she whispers, more tears flooding her eyes.

“Felix!” My name is barked in the distance, and I look off in the direction the train just disappeared, seeing another light shining on us, this one a flashlight.

“Over here!” I shout, pulling Hazel to a stand.

I see the entire group meandering toward us, shock on their faces as they follow the train tracks.

Vera breaks through the group, rushing toward Hazel. She pulls her into her arms, ignoring Hazel’s traumatized, shocked look on her face. “The story you told me, about the tracks… it’s real.”

Hazel nods, glancing down at her ankle again. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

“We heard a train. How is that possible?” Malik asks.

My eyes widen. “You heard that?”

They nod.

“I heard the same train last year, too. In the woods. I never saw the tracks, though,” Vera says, staring at the tracks in confusion.

“How is any of this possible?” Levi snaps, glancing around and shaking his head. “Like, are we tripping? Something just isn’t right.”

“I found out some stuff,” Hazel says softly.

I look down at her, my jaw clenching. “What?” I snap.

She barely spares me a glance as she watches Vera. “I’ll tell you everything. Just…” She glances around, a shiver working its way down her body. “Not here.”

“Yeah, let’s get out of here,” Piper says, walking up to Hazel. “Why do you look so awful?”

Hazel frowns. “Wow, thanks.”

Piper shakes her head. “Not like that. You know what I mean.” She pulls on Hazel’s arms. “You’re cut, like, all over.”

Hazel glances down at her wounds, blinking at them, like she just realized everything she’s just been through. “I’ll tell you everything at the house, okay?”

After a moment, Piper nods, and together, we make our way back to the abandoned house.

“So, what have you found out?” Malik clips the moment we enter the house.

I take a deep breath, my mind turned upside down. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why in the world train tracks have appeared in Castle Pointe when they’ve never been there before.