It’s been twenty-one days since I’ve seen Gerald, and twenty-one days since I’ve seen my son, Lewis. I walk the tracks, searching for them. Wishing for salvation while I know there is none. I don’t feel their hearts beating on this earth anymore. I don’t know why I continue to wander, knowing they are no longer here. It’s as if I’m searching for something, hoping for an answer I can’t seem to find.

I’m not ashamed to say the man Gerald found me with has left a stain on the floor. I was distraught for days, allowing the death of his body to seep into the air, cloaking my home in a thick sheen of death, one that covered the already heavy air with a darkness that I couldn’t seem to escape. I breathed in the death, and the darkness, and the hollowness I never thought I’d feel. I tried. I cleaned the stain on my floor, then I brought the body to the cellar, burying him under the house. I even tended to Cordelia, though I’ve been lacking as a mother these past few weeks. I’m ashamed of myself, and of my actions. Of the way things have played out, which have led to such misery and disgust from the town, I’ve been undoubtedly exiled, left to my home and the forest. Even the church doesn’t want me anymore, banning me from the premises.

I’m completely alone.

I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Cordelia deserves more.

Gerald and Lewis deserved more.

I feel the darkness clutching me in its grip, and everything I’ve ever fought against is rushing me at lightning speed.

I take a deep breath, shock barreling through me at the realization of where I’m sitting.

I’m in the witch’s home. The witch who I could essentially compare to Voldemort. You don’t speak her name. You don’t even think about her when you’re in Castle Pointe. She is evil, or at least that’s what I’ve always been told.

Has she always been evil?

Or has fate given her the cards of a broken woman who will only experience tragedy?

But… wait.Rowena.The name sounds so familiar that I whip across the mattress, pulling my backpack toward me. I reach inside, digging out Agnes’s file, tearing it open until I see the name I’m looking for.


Rowena and Agnes are… cousins?

How is this possible? Agnes was crazy, and her cousin was the witch of Castle Pointe that caused devastation.

The questions come faster than the answers, and I become frustrated. I lift the box gently, setting it on the floor, and then curl up on the mattress with the journal in my hand.

March 18th, 1967

I barely recognize myself anymore.

I barely recognize the town.

The shadows have grown darker in this already blanketed town. I can hardly breathe as I walk through the forest, feeling the ghosts of my loved ones around every turn, but every whisper and shout that tears from my throat go unanswered.

I have turned to the darkness, because I know no other way. My blood simmers with anger and disgust, and even though I fight it, it’s barreling toward me at the speed of a runaway train. I feel chained down to the tracks, just as lost as my son once was, and it’s consuming me.

The darkness… it has already enveloped my soul.

I cause pain and ruin to the townsfolk. My ancestors sing with praise at my bad deeds, their black blood coloring mine the same shade, and all I want to do is paint the town with the same pain I feel every hour of the day.

I have murdered.

I have killed.

I have caused so much ruin to this town, to the point the priest and nuns have threatened to end my life and take my child should I continue with my ways.

If they will take me out, should they peel me away from my child and the spirits of my deceased child and husband, I promise them a life of misery. I save my blood in a vial and know that someday, it will be opened and can be used to create such disaster that there will be no Castle Pointe left. It is cursed blood, I realize. There is no spell or ritual needed; the mechanisms of my blood are already promised with enough devastation to wipe out every bloodline in Castle Pointe.

If they want to eliminate me, I promise, there will come a time when I will eliminate all of them, as well.

I turn the page.

April 4th, 1967