I reach forward, grabbing the fabric from Felix’s fingers and tearing it free. Glaring up at the three of them, I snap. “You want to know?”

They stare at me blankly.

I squeeze my hands into fists, aware I’m going to have to tell them at some point. They’ll never let me out of their sight now, not in Felix’s house. And I can’t very well leave everything in his basement. He’ll find it either way.

“Follow me,” I grumble, shouldering past them as I make my way into the hallway. They’re silent as they follow me downstairs and into the basement, their grumblings quiet and angry as they question where the hell I’m leading them.

The moment we get downstairs, my eyes fall on the mess I left earlier. The salt is spread across the carpet, stained in blood from my fingers. My crystals have rolled across the room. It looks like a crime scene, like an altercation happened down here while they were all asleep.

Felix is silent as he stalks around me, his body stiff as he takes everything in. Turning around, he levels me with a deadly look. “You did witchcraft in my fucking house?”

I shake my head, his tone so lethal I instantly begin shaking. “I didn’t… it’s not what you think,” I whisper.

Atticus laughs from behind me. “There’s no other explanation. She did fucking witchcraft, bro.”

“In your house,” Levi snaps.

Felix visibly snaps, his body taut and rippling with tension. He grabs my backpack roughly, tossing my things inside with quick jerks. Once everything is inside, he stands straight, sending a murderous glare my way.

“You fucking bitch. You trying to have what happened to Malik happen to us? You trying to bring evil shit into my house?”

“No!” I cry out. “I’m trying to help!”

I’m being honest. I was trying to help.

He shakes his head, like he’s disgusted with me. Like he thought better of me.

“I should’ve fucking known,” he growls. Walking up to me, he wraps his fingers around my bicep, yanking me roughly toward the stairs.

“Where are you taking me?” I cry, tears flooding my eyes. I’ve never cared about how Felix feels about me before. Any ounce of hate or dislike he’s ever held toward me, I’ve brushed off with a grain of salt. I don’t care, because I hate him too.

We aren’t friends, we never have been. We are enemies.

Yet, as he pulls me up the stairs, with so much rage radiating off him it could sear my skin, I can’t help as the tears flood to my eyes and roll down my cheeks. Something has changed inside of me.

How is it that I can no longer hate the enemy?

“Please don’t do this, Felix. Just let me explain,” I rasp out on a cry.

He doesn’t answer me, a low growl slipping past his lips as he drags me upstairs. My feet knock into the hardwood floor as he pulls me to the front door.

“Wait, please!” I scream, fighting against him. My hand goes to his arm, and I dig my fingers into the skin, when he rips me off him, keeping me at a distance.

“Keep your hands off me, witch,” he seethes.

A sob bursts from my chest, the entire world blurry through my eyes as he punches in a code, the alarm turning off before he opens the door.

I don’t want him to hate me anymore.

He is so cold.

“I didn’t do anything! I’m just trying to figure out how to stop all of this!” I cry as the cool night air whips around my skin.

He takes a step, pulling me outside of his house. Gripping the white shirt, he tugs me toward him, until our faces are inches apart. He isn’t aroused, though, or even slightly happy. He’s just livid.

“You’re the reason this shit happened to Malik last year. I know what the fuck you are, and I know the type of shit you do. Stay away from me. Stay away from my house and stay away from my boys. You’re fucking trouble, Hazel, and I don’t want the kind of trouble you bring.” With one hard shove, I trip down the stairs, barely making it on my feet as I look up at him.

He stands there for a second, so fucking angry with me, before he backs up, his two friends behind him as he steps inside.