My fingers dig into her as I hold her in place. “Sit down and tell us what you have.” I pull her toward a chair, sitting her down in the one next to Atticus. Her body sinks into the black cushion. She keeps her backpack on, but hesitantly puts down the books in front of her. Her palm stays on the top book, looking at us like we shouldn’t be trusted.

Yet, she’s the one that came tous.

“I haven’t found a ton, but I guess Castle Pointe used to be filled with witches and all this witchcraft was going on and there were witch trials and everything. The people who started it all, at least from what I can tell, are Sibley Alastair and Beryl Kipling, and though I can’t find anything, I know Sibleyhas tobe related to Agnes Alastair.” She lifts up the folder she took from the asylum. “The demon psycho lady from the asylum.”

I blink at her. “How does Agnes, or Sibley, or Beryl have anything to do with the portal being opened under the school?”

She purses her lips before narrowing her eyes. “I haven’t gotten that far yet. But clearly, there was witchcraft going on, and everyone knows that witchcraft in the wrong hands can lead to dark magic and really, really evil rituals. Then that leads to curses, which is what Castle Pointe has been living with for a long, long time. I’m guessing they are the reason why Castle Pointe is the way it is. And if they started it, there has to be a way to stop it. With magic.”

“Great, so the witch shit is right up your alley. How do we stop it?” Levi snaps, and I smirk, grabbing my bottle of beer from the ground and taking a swig.

She lets out a groan, dropping her head into her hands. “This was a total fucking mistake.” She looks up at us, glaring heavily. “I’m the only one doing all this damn research. I don’t know what any of it means, or how I’m supposed to stop it. But I’m getting there. Each piece tells me a little more about Castle Pointe. I just need to figure out how to put all the pieces together.”

I lick my lips, loving the feistiness in her eyes, the way her lips pout as she talks with concern, clearly frustrated by our lack of emotion over the situation. I’m sure Hazel and her friends get all fucking crazy when something like this happens, but I’m not fazed. None of us are.

It’s Castle Pointe. It’s filled with death. Always has been. This is nothing new. We don’t need a fucking history lesson. We need the manual on how to stop it.

She keeps rambling, but I zone her out as my eyes drop to her legs, long and lean as they lead up to her creamy thighs. The plaid skirt she wears is not much different from the skirts she used to wear at school, though this one is blue and black, sitting high up on her thighs, where I can see a sliver of her curvy ass. Her black long-sleeve shirt has mesh on the sleeves, and it’s cut off just below her breasts, showing off her toned, smooth stomach.

I lift my eyes, the remnants of the bruising around her neck slowly fading, the makeup she put on concealing it well, though I can still see the faint marks.

When her eyes lock onto mine, her breath catches in her chest when she notices my heavy stare. Her fingers go down to the folder in front of her, playing with the edges just for something to do. “I guess I just need to know, because my mom and grandma are giving me absolutely nothing… does the last name Alastair ring a bell? Or Kipling? I’ve lived here my whole life and have never heard them, but so have you guys, and I thought maybe you’d know something?”

My brows come together as I think back, trying to remember if I’ve heard of those names before. Honestly, they sound familiar, but not overly so.

“I mean, I could’ve heard those names from anywhere. So, no, not really.” I turn to Levi and Atticus. “Do you?”

Atticus shakes his head. Levi stares off, deep in thought. Then he looks over at me, eyes blank. “Possibly, but no one that I know directly.”

Hazel slouches in her chair, her hands going to the books as she gathers them up. “Figures. One dead end after another. I’ll keep digging. I’m sure I’ll come up with something eventually.”

Atticus shifts in his chair, and I look over at him, seeing him stretch out, his eyes burning into mine as a small smirk lifts his lips.

Levi’s arms come out of the hot tub, his arms resting on the concrete, a smirk on his face as well.

They want to play.

My eyes go back to Hazel’s, and I feel her out, wondering what type of mood she’s in. From how she’s acted so far, she’s scattered, probably a little short and moody. She’ll be extra feisty tonight.

Perfect for a game.

“Little witch,” I murmur as she shifts to get up, the oversized backpack on her shoulder practically weighing her down like an anchor.

She rolls her eyes as she glares at me. “I’m leaving.”

“How about a game instead?” I mumble softly.

Her eyes widen, and she stands so suddenly she bumps into Atticus behind her.

She narrows her eyes, stepping quickly away. “I say no fucking way. I’m done with your games, Felix. I forfeit.”

Then she races across the pavement and toward the back door of the house. I stand up quickly, and I can hear Levi step out of the hot tub and make his way toward us.

I get to the door before her, my arm going up as I block the way. She bumps her shoulder into my arm, attempting to knock me to the side. “Cut it out, Felix. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit tonight.”

“Oh, witch, it’s not bullshit we’re trying to play,” Levi mumbles as he walks up behind her.

She steps closer to me to get away from Levi. “Stop. Stop!” she screams, the books falling from her arms.