Piper immediately nods. “Yeah, I like that idea much better.”

He pulls the curtain back, peeking through. My heart flips in my chest, and nerves make me feel dizzy. “Is she out there?”

He stares for a few moments, his eyes narrowed on the forest. “No, she’s not out there.” He turns around to glance at me. “She’s gone.”

My fingers release the thick curtains, and I take a step away from the door.She’s gone.

Castle Pointe has always been fucked up on so many levels, but this is some different type of shit that I’ve never dealt with, and I honestly have no idea how to handle it. I’m about to start carrying my Glock on me in addition to my knife, but I honestly don’t think either would be able to protect any of us.

They’re dead, so can we really kill them?

Can they kill us?

That one, I don’t want to stick around and find out.

“Well, I guess I’m going to go watch another movie and fall asleep until daylight.” Blaire shrugs as she walks down the hall, raising her hand in a short wave. “Goodnight.”

“Me too. I’m beat.” Piper walks away, rubbing her eyes, following behind Blaire.

Levi stands, staring at the both of us, taking in our appearance. We are filled with both lake and sand and forest, half-dressed, and clearly shaken up. “Whatever fucked-up shit you both just got into, I hope you didn’t bring it back with you.”

I snarl at my cousin, “Shut the fuck up, Levi.”

Levi shakes his head, backing up with his hands raised. “Malik, Atticus, and Vera still aren’t here. If shit goes down, we’re three people down in protecting ourselves. Probably should’ve thought about that before you decided to get some pussy.”

I take a step forward, my hands fisted at my sides. He knows the mixed feelings I have about Hazel. How I hate her so much my blood burns for revenge. But he also knows me well enough to see whenever I get too close to her, I can’t seem to help myself.

I can’t stand her, yet every time I attempt to distance myself, she’s like a wave, pulling me back into her depths. She doesn’t even know the power she holds in her witchy green eyes.

Hazel steps between us, her hands going to each of our chests. Her palm is warm against my skin, and my eyes drift closed for the slightest second, before they lift open, and I stare at her. “Take your hands off him.”

She drops her hands from the both of us.

I glance at Levi. “Tonight was unavoidable. I’ll keep a better eye next time.” What I mean is, the games. Usually we play all or none, but tonight, the moment I saw Hazel with her feet drifting in my pool, I wanted nothing more than to play with her.

I just never imagined as I was balls deep that some fucking creepy ghost would rise from the water like a phoenix from the ashes.

“Shit. Better not. If something happens to anyone else, I think we’re all fucked.” He shakes his head, his eyes narrowing as he glares at Hazel. “I know Vera said you put your witchy shit away, but maybe it’s time you take that shit out and figure out how to save us all… before we’re all dead.”

Hazel flinches like he physically hurt her. A smirk lifts my lips at her discomfort, yet the black heart inside my rib cage pounds aggressively, wanting to heal her wounds.

Instead, I lift my eyes to my best friend. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow. It’s too late for this shit.”

He watches me for a moment, then gives me a small nod, spinning around and heading toward the basement. “I’m going to crash. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

I say nothing, though he doesn’t expect me to as he disappears without another look.

Then it’s just Hazel and I, both a little out of it from earlier. She glances up at me, her eyes tired, her cheeks rosy but skin pale. “Can I take a shower?” She gestures to her chest and stomach. “I’ve got sand all over me.”

I nod, turning around and walking toward the opposite end of the house. Making my way toward the stairs, my fingers grip the wooden railing, and I pull myself up, not bothering to glance behind me to see if she’s following. I can tell she is. Both by the sound of her soft footsteps and the smell of her faint floral scent.

Once I make it to the landing, I head left, down the hall and toward my bedroom. This place is large enough that I have my own quarters. With four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a balcony, I take up the entire west wing of the house. I only use my bedroom and bathroom, but if any of the guys stay over, they have their own bedrooms they can stay in.

My bedroom is the first on the left, and I push the door open, my fingers flicking on the light as I step into my room. The light is dim, and like the rest of the house, my room continues on with the theme of black and white. I don’t have many sentimental, decorative items in my room. I keep in simple, with my dresser, nightstand, bed, and a few shelves on the walls with cool rocks, bones, and things I’ve found in Castle Pointe over the years.

“So… this is your room,” Hazel breathes as she steps up beside me. I say nothing to her, letting her come to her own conclusions as I walk to my dresser, opening the drawers and pulling out a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

I nod toward the en-suite bathroom. “Bathroom is there. You can shower.” I toss her the clothes. “You can change into these.”