My hand drifts toward Felix’s, and I grab it, squeezing his fingers just as his squeeze mine.

The woman stands fully now, the dress brushing just below her knees, the water lapping at her gray, blotchy ankles.

I don’t need to see her face to know this woman is not alive. Just like the others.

There’s an air about her, a sense that I can tell she crossed the portal. I don’t know who this woman is, but she isn’t friendly, and she isn’t here under good terms.

This woman bleeds pure evil.

She has crossed over from old Castle Pointe.We’re running out of time.

The cracking grows longer, louder as her spine bends, her back forming a bridge as her head snaps at awkward angles, her face appearing before our eyes. Her hair tumbles into the water, the surface drifting away the tips of her strands.

Crack, crack, crack.

Her head spins, until it’s right side up, her neck completely broken as she looks at us in this contorted, unnatural way.

Lowering herself even farther, her hands burrow into the water, still staring at us with dead, empty white eyes as she holds herself up with her two arms and two legs.

Her mouth opens, elongating so far her chin brushes the water, and a horrified, bellowing scream breaks from her lips. Her arms and legs start moving, each step a loud crack as she quickly makes her way toward us. Speeding toward us like some unearthly creature.

“Go, go, go!” Felix screams at the top of his lungs. He grips me tightly, pulling me along as we race into the woods.

“Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit!” I cry out, tripping over branches. My legs scrape sticks, my toes stubbing oversized rocks. Felix all but lifts me in the air as he carries me. I snap my head over my shoulder, seeing the creature with the long mouth and white eyes still following us, her snapping bones breaking through the trees as she follows us.

“She’s coming!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

“Don’t look back. Don’t fucking look back, Hazel! Keep your eyes ahead, we’re almost back to my house!” he roars at me, his fingers bruising my skin with his grip.

We race quickly, and I turn my head forward, refusing to look back again as the thick forest opens up. I see the glimmering pool, and I breathe a sigh of relief as we bolt across Felix’s lawn. Blaire stands at the back door, and when she sees us, her eyes widen.

“Open the door!” Felix shouts.

She does, stepping out of the way as we fly through. Felix shoves her out of the way as he slams the door shut, locking it and instantly drawing the curtains.

“What’s going on?” Blaire panics.

“Felix?” Levi says from down the hall. He and Piper turn the corner, their eyes wide as they see us. We must look ridiculous, full of sand, me in only a bra and skirt, both of us out of breath.

Piper looks down. “Did you guys just…”

I cut my hand through the air, breathless. “Not fucking important. Some creepy-ass, broken-bodied woman just chased us through the woods.”

“The fuck?” Levi barks, stepping toward the window.

Felix steps in front of him, his hands going to his shoulder as he shakes his head. “No, dude. Give it a minute,” he pants.

“Who was it?” Blaire asks. “I didn’t see anyone. Only you two.”

I shrug, rubbing my arms to try and stop the permanent chill in my bones. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before. She looked similar to the others, but definitely not the same.”

“It wasn’t that lady from the asylum?” Piper asks.

I shake my head. “No. That girl had a sadness about her. This woman just felt… evil.” I shiver, walking farther away from the door, feeling like she could just sense me on the other side. “Nowhere in Castle Pointe is safe anymore.”

“I want to go home,” Blaire whines. “This shit is getting way too creepy for me.”

Felix takes a step toward the window, his body rippling with tension. “Not a good idea. It’s the middle of the night. Wait until it’s not dark, at least. Give it a few more hours.”