My fingers go to the glass beside me, and I lift it, taking a large swig, completely ignoring the burning in my throat as I take one more, setting it back down.Holy shit.I ignore Blaire’s laughter from in front of me, or the whispers happening beside me as I flip to the next page, completely engrossed in Agnes’s story.

April 14th, 1967

Agnes is regressing. She used a needle from one of the nurses and carved a five-pointed star into her chest today. Staff and I thought it would be safest if she was moved from her room with her friend, Sarina, today, as it’s much too dangerous. Agnes was moved to the end of the wing where she will stay in a solitary room instead. This will provide her, our staff, and the other patients the safety we need.

When speaking with Agnes today, she has become mostly nonverbal. She seems to have withdrawn from herself, and when she speaks, it is in that same deep voice that is not hers.

Agnes is an interesting individual, but she is causing many problems. The citizens of Castle Pointe are sending letters with concern over Agnes. She is being called a witch and the devil, family members of patients threatening to shut down the institute if action isn’t taken against Agnes.

Her entire family is a black seed that has soaked through Castle Pointe. Her cousin, Rowena, has done multiple stints here in Castle Pointe Asylum. Though released for good behavior, I had a feeling deep inside that what I was doing was wrong.

Rowena is the only family Agnes has left. She is the only one that visits Agnes, and every time Rowena leaves this place, Agnes turns into an even darker version of herself, as if a sliver of hell is poured into Agnes each time, filling her from toes to head.

Agnes is no longer who she arrived as, and I’m worried she’s lost herself entirely. The aggression is overtaking her, so much so, I’ve been worried about the well-being of the hospital.

It is my understanding that Agnes performed black magic through her childhood, but no matter how many times I allude to the fact that she has a mental disorder, the town seems to fight back and think they know best, telling me it is not a mental disorder, just a witch who needs to be burned at the stake.

They are threatening to come in and take care of Agnes themselves if we refuse to.

I can’t seem to find the right choice as we head down this dark path. Every day here becomes darker, as if the light of Castle Pointe is dimming by the day. Fog grows from the water like a disease and the rain soaks the ground. We are headed toward times of struggle, and I’m beginning to wonder if Agnes is the cause.

Dr. Doulane

I rub my eyes, my lids growing heavy, even as my heart pounds in my chest. I lift the glass once again, the sweat dampening my palm as I swallow down the rest of my drink. My skin grows warm, my mind heavy as I set the glass back down, turning to the next page.

May 1, 1967

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever see what I did.

Agnes was hanging from the ceiling. Her palms and the soles of her feet sticking to the walls and the ceiling. How could gravity allow that to happen? I’ve seen many things. Many, many things in my time as a psychiatrist, but never have I seen this.

It’s simply… impossible.

Yet she did, with her thinning hair, as her neck bent back at an awkward angle. She screamed so loud the walls shook, and now the staff are simply too terrified to go in her room anymore. A small window has been installed, and a tray of food is merely passed through the door.

I’m unable to go into her room anymore either.

Last week, she was sedated as we attempted to lobotomize her. Previous patients we’ve done this practice on have improved significantly, but if anything, it has made Agnes grow worse. She is… violent, and terrifying.

She has spread a seed of darkness over this town, and I fear there is no turning back.

At the time of her episode, as she hung from the ceiling, an almost manic laughter ripped from her chest, and at the same time, there was a death in the rec room.

Her friend Sarina grabbed a knife and sliced the neck of two patients. Sarina has been a very calm, non-difficult patient since she arrived here over a year ago. But as the nurses in the room spoke, Sarina’s eyes grew white, and she stood from the table and attacked those across from her.

It was a bloodbath, and the rec room has been closed since that incident.

Unfortunately, as the nurses went into Sarina’s room yesterday morning, they found her deceased, with self-inflicted marks on her wrists, indicating it was a suicide. I have not spoken about this to Agnes, but as I just left her room about twenty minutes ago, she spoke the words that have the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

“And the blood will seep through this house, and the darkness will fill each soul of Castle Pointe. As you fall asleep tonight, Dr. Doulane, know that the darkness has already filled your bones and stained your skin.”

The words are permanently etched into my brain, and I feel as if this omen… this threat, was made with purpose.

There is no going back. We have reached the end of the road. Only one solution may fix what has already been done, but even as I say this, I fear it is too late, and I should have listened to the town when I had the chance.

Agnes is a witch, and I firmly believe she is possessed by a demon. I plan to go to Castle Pointe Catholic Church tomorrow and speak to the priest about my options.

Until then, may God bless us all.