Witch, their voices sneer in my ear.

I make my way to the next door on the right, and I slowly open it, my eyes widening when I see all the cabinets.

“Yes,” I whisper, rushing into the room. I spin around, not knowing where to start. I begin opening drawers, seeing file after file, both thick and thin.

“This is going to take all day, Hazel,” Felix groans.

I ignore him as I continue fingering past the labels. Each one is written in a thin calligraphy script that I can barely make out, but I hope once I see what I need, it’ll stand out to me somehow.

As I squat down, the scent of old paper and dust makes my sinuses itch. I rub at my nose, pulling open the middle drawer, the faded wooden cabinet barely able to open. My fingers dance along the labels as I make my way through the files. I can feel my friends growing impatient, but I’m going as fast as I can.

My knuckles suddenly freeze up, and I blink, my eyes pausing on a file.

Agnes Alastair.

This file is over double the size of everyone else’s, and something about it is calling to me, so I pull it from the stack, shoving it on under my arm.

I glance up at everyone standing in the doorway, watching me with irritation.

“I think I found something,” I whisper, panting out a breath, my eyes widening when I can see that breath in front of me.

“Um…” Piper hesitates. “Guys…” She lifts her arms, and the hair is raised from wrist to shoulder.

“I think we have to get out of here,” I whisper, slowly making my way to my feet. It grows colder with every passing second, and I let out a shiver as we start to back out of the room.

We make our way into the hallway slowly, when a chuckle sounds in the distance.

We freeze.

It’s evil, raspy, the laugh slow, as if it’s drawing it out.

The chuckle grows louder, speeding up, like whoever it is, is walking closer to us.


The bang of the door to the file room slams shut, and another chuckle erupts, this one from a woman, her chuckle crackling, until it stops altogether, and the taunting sound becomes hollow, barreling down the hall toward us as it grows louder.

Until it feels as if it’s blaring right in our ears.

“Run. Run!” Malik shoves our shoulders as he pulls Vera. We all start to sprint back the way we came, our breaths panting as our feet pound against the carpet. My eyes dart to the bedroom as we pass the doorway, and it’s as if we all see it at the same time, and our feet skid across the ground, our bodies knocking against each other’s as we come to a halt.

“What the fuck?” Felix asks.

The sheets that I tore from the bed are laying softly over a lump on the mattress, but I can tell without needing to feel it. There is a body underneath that sheet. An IV pole sits next to the bed with a bag attached, empty of all fluids.

I blink, rub my eyes, and blink again.

But… how?

As if in slow motion, the body starts rise, the sheet remaining over the head. It stops when it’s sitting. Though I can’t see its face, we can all feel its stare, watching us. Boring into us.

A shiver wraps around my limbs and holds me in a vise grip.

“I’m getting out of here,” Piper panics, and for once, I’m with her. We don’t spend another moment waiting to see what will happen.

We start running, and the door to that room slams shut before ice-cold air wraps around us.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Levi shouts, all of us practically carrying each other as we sprint out of the north wing.