My hand goes out, and my palm smacks across his cheek. It’s loud against the quiet night. My mouth pops open in shock.

He rears back, his palm going to his face, clearly caught off guard.

Silence ensues. No one says a word. The only sound that can be heard is Felix’s car rumbling quietly.

“Tie her up,” Felix says calmly from the driver’s seat.

My eyes widen. “No!” I thrash around the trunk, my fists and nails clawing repeatedly, but they don’t give up. Atticus slams his body against mine, grunting as he pins me to the ground. My hips dig into the floor, and my breath is shoved from my lungs, my lips growing raw against the coarse floor of the trunk carpeting.

Levi climbs over the back seat, and my hands are yanked behind my back roughly, my shoulders pulling against their sockets.

I whine, my head falling to the side, my temple digging into the floor of the trunk. Levi grips my wrists tightly, squeezing my skin until there’s a pinch of pain. Rough, itchy rope wraps around me, and he pulls it tight, until I can barely feel the blood flow to my hands.

His fingers suddenly press into my shoulder, and Atticus lifts off me so Levi can flip me over, my back slamming against the ground. Atticus lowers himself back onto me, his hands going to my light curves. He presses his fingers under the fabric, his rough fingers caressing my skin. “You can shut your fucking mouth, or we can shut it for you. Which would you like?”

My feet push against the side of the car, and I buck my hips, attempting to toss him off me. “I can promise you, I’ll get you back for this, twice as hard. You touch me? I’ll burn you to the fucking ground,” I seethe, sweat dotting along my temples, even though goosebumps break along my arms. I don’t stop my fight, thrashing back and forth even as his strong hands grind up and down my sides.

“Get off her, Atticus,” Felix orders evenly from the front seat, but there’s an air to his words. A warning, a threat. One that makes my body lock up. I let out a shaky breath as Atticus silently moves away from me, glaring down at me before him and Levi slide over the back seat.

My chest shakes, and I stare silently at the ceiling as Felix continues to drive through the night. He takes a few turns, and every time, my body rolls to the side, my hands offering no protection to keep me from smashing against the sides of the trunk.

Suddenly, the car jerks to a stop, and I roll onto my stomach, letting out a grunt, moaning as my face collides with the back of the back seat. I listen as the car shifts into park, and then it’s silence again. The car doors open and close, and I quickly roll onto my back, shuffling up until I’m sitting to prepare for their assault. I bring my knees up to my chest, tensing my legs. I can hear the click of the trunk door unlock before it starts to open.

One, two, three.

My feet kick out, and I do some ridiculous peddling motion, swinging them back and forth. I hear anoomphas I make contact with someone. I keep kicking, until I feel fingers wrap around my ankles and I’m pulled forward roughly, my head slamming against the ground.

Felix hovers above me, his fingers digging into my cheeks so hard my teeth cut into the tender flesh. I let out a little yelp of pain as he leers over me, his face bending so he’s only inches from mine. His eyes are dark pools, swirling with so much intention and darkness, I gasp, my lungs constricting as a heaviness weighs on me.

His warm breath, tainted with a hint of tobacco scent, trails over my skin. “You can thank your smart mouth for being where you are tonight.”

“What did I do?” I muffle incoherently. He must hear what I ask because his eyes narrow.

“You think you can play your own games, baby, but you aren’t the leader. You aren’t even playing the game unless you’re invited.”

Atticus chuckles from behind him, and if I weren’t pinned by Felix, I’d shoot him a lethal glare.

“I can make my own,” I growl.

He bends down farther, until his nose grazes mine. His fingers release my cheeks, and he brushes the pads of his fingers across my dry, chapped lips. “I can think of a million better uses for these pouty lips, but you seem to want to keep on pushing your luck,” he says, his arms circling my body as he hauls me to a stand. “If you want to play a game so badly, we’ll play one of our favorites.”

I glare at him as he steps away from me, walking back to his friends. How dare he come into my room, into my absolute privacy, and rip me from it like he owns me?

“You might think you have the upper hand, but turn your back, and I’ll knock you off your knees. And I’ll have no qualms about dropping you into Lake Superior and letting you sink to the bottom,” I growl, my legs beginning to shake from the cold.

He steps forward, and his hand snaps out, slamming against my jugular. He lifts me up, my feet dangling in the air as he grips me tight. My eyes fall to Atticus and Levi behind him, and they are watching me with equal amounts of hatred and intrigue.

“Do you want to survive the night?” he growls.

My mouth opens, but his grip around my neck is so tight, all I’m able to do is choke.

His fingers loosen, and I fall from his hold, my knees slamming against the rough ground. My small pajamas aren’t nearly enough cover to protect me from the crisp air. I shiver as I stare up at the three of them, standing around me with such menacing stares, an uncontrollable tremor rolls through me from neck to toes.

“Tell us, little witch. Do you want to live?” Felix asks again.

My teeth clatter, and I nod, so angry, yet so incredibly scared. “I do. Let me go, and we can pretend this never happened. No more games.”

His head tilts back, and he barks out a laugh, his voice echoing in the trees. I have no idea where we are, trapped somewhere between the woods and the water, a place that is so remote I can’t see an inch in front of me.