“Don’t! Don’t!” Hazel leaps up, attempting to grab it from my hands. I spin around, giving her my back as I open the front cover. My brows furrow as I see a non-English language staring back at me.

“What the fuck is this?” I bark, flipping to the next page. My lip curls as I see images of demons and upside-down crosses, knives stabbing people, and what looks like souls being lost.

Fucked-up shit.

“Don’t touch it, Felix!” Hazel screams, and before she can attack me, the book flies from my grip, falling on top of the wreckage. As if fingers are flipping the pages, they turn until it gets to the center of the book, the pages settling against the sides.

Blaire and Vera let out a scream as they leap over bricks to get away from it.

“What the fuck was that?” I bend over the book, my eyes narrowing as I see a small square in the center of the page.

“What the fuck?” Levi snaps, not nearly as concerned as the rest of us. He bends down, snatching the small Polaroid picture from the page. The page of the book rips along with it, the tear a loud crack in the silence.

“Oh my God,” Hazel cries out, her hands going to each side of her head.

“Is this…how?” Levi brings the picture stuck to the ripped page only inches from his face, his eyes slits as he stares at the aged polaroid.

“Let the rest of us look at it,” Malik snaps.

“Is that Castle Pointe?” Vera grips Malik’s arm as she leans over him. “I’ve never seen that before. Is that here?” She looks to Hazel, who’s still looking at the torn book with horror.

“Hazel!” Vera grabs the picture from Malik’s hand, waving it in front of Hazel’s face. “Help!”

Hazel blinks, as if snapping out of a trance. Hesitantly, she reaches up, grabbing onto the picture with shaky fingers. Piper and Blaire walk to either side of her, and we all stand around Hazel.

It’s an old picture of an ancient car on the side of the road, making me believe it was taken sometime in the early nineteen hundreds. It looks like a small town, but not one I’ve ever seen before. On the side of the road, there’s a big wooden sign that says, “Welcome to Castle Pointe”.

“I’ve never seen this place before,” Blaire says, looking over at Hazel. “Is there more than one Castle Pointe?”

Hazel shakes her head. “No, this is the only one I’ve ever known.” Her eyes glance to mine, and then she realizes how much she hates me, and passes over me, her eyes going to Malik. “Have you ever seen this place before?”

He shakes his head too. “Never.”

She gnaws on her lip, turning the baby pink skin a dark red. “What does this mean?”

“I think it means you need to put it down and we need to get the fuck out of here before something else happens,” I tell her with a bite, my hand going forward and tearing it from her grip. She grapples for it, but I raise it over my head, my other hand digging into my pocket. “Nothing good has ever come from this school or anything in it. Whatever kind of clue you think you found will lead us into nothing good. You want to figure shit out, well, I want to pretend it doesn’t exist.”

I bring my lighter to the picture, sparking the flame and putting it to the edge of the polaroid. The orange flame curls around it, until the metal of the lighter heats against my skin. The lighter grows hotter in my hand as I leave the flame against it for long seconds.

But it never burns.

The flame, not even once, catches against the picture.

“What the hell is going on?” I snap, releasing the trigger of my lighter, letting the flame dissipate.

“It’s a clue, Felix,” Hazel says, her voice irritated.

She reaches forward, grabbing it from my hand easily, because I let her.

“And I think I know where to go,” she says.

“Where?” Blaire asks.

She’s silent as she looks at us all, her eyes flitting from one person to the next. “We need to go to old Castle Pointe.”

Levi barks out a laugh. “Fuck no.”

“Are you an idiot?” I snap.