An arm.

It’s turned gray, the wrinkled skin black around the fingers.

“Holy shit, is that a dead body?” Blaire squeaks.

I bend down, my finger brushing the cold, locked-up limb. It’s frozen in place, and I pull on the finger, listening as I hear the crack of bone.

“Oh, shit,” Hazel groans, turning the other way as she places her hands on her waist.

“Who is it?” Atticus grunts, his voice muffled with his sweatshirt over his mouth and nose.

Malik takes a step forward, lifting the broken door and bricks off of her, and the dead, broken face of Sister Mary comes into view.

“Holy fuck, is that Sister Mary?” Vera gasps, and Hazel whips around, her eyes widening into saucers when she sees the deformed face of her old teacher.

Half of her face is burnt, looking like leather as it trails down her neck. The other side of her face is dented in, the bones turned to dust, her skin filled with blood, a sickly purple color that makes her nearly unrecognizable.

Her black uniform sits wrinkled, torn, and charred as it lays against her body.

“Holy shit,” I sigh, shoving some of the rubble back on top of her so we don’t have to stare at her anymore. “That’s fucked up.”

We stare at the heap of wood and bricks, blinking blankly at the dead body under it. Sister Mary was a person, and we can feel bad about her death, but at the end of the day, she was a vile, sinister woman who didn’t have one good intention in her body.

“Hazel!” Piper shouts, snapping us out of our daze. I turn around and see her waving us over from a couple of yards away. We all wobble across the debris, and once I get close enough, I notice Piper doesn’t look excited, but instead a little panicked.

“What’s going on?” Vera asks, stepping out of Malik’s hold.

“Look.” Piper points toward the ground, and we circle around her, looking at her feet.

“Holy shit.” Hazel crouches down, her foot wobbling on a piece of wood. Her arms windmill at her sides, and I snap forward, righting her.

She glares at me, and I squeeze my hands tightly until her skin whitens. “No need to die at the hands of this broken building. I’d rather save your pain for myself,” I mumble, a smirk lifting my lips.

Her eyes widen.

Levi chuckles.

“Felix!” Vera snaps.

Malik sighs.

Hazel shakes her head, licking her lips that look even more pink, even more pouty from this angle. “Don’t worry, guys, I’ll let him think he has the upper hand. When the time comes, he won’t know what fucking hit him,” she quips, turning back around.

Her hands hover over what I realize is a book, and I narrow my eyes in confusion.

It’s just a book, an old one, from the looks of it. Large, and a little chaotic. The oddest thing about this book, though, is that it isn’t even slightly burnt. Not even a simple flame has touched the pages. It’s in pristine condition, considering the circumstances, if not a little aged.

An odd-looking creature is on the front with its hand in the air. Symbols that I can’t decipher sit around the edges of the book. The pages are old and a bit shiny as they bulge out of the spine. It looks fucking creepy.

“This isn’t good,” Hazel mumbles, her hand hovering over the book. “Not good at all.”

“Is that the same book?” Blaire asks, a panic in her voice.

“Looks like it,” Piper mumbles.

“Just leave it, Hazel. Let’s just get out of here.” Vera steps back, straight into Malik’s arms. “This is fucked.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” I snap, stepping over Hazel and grabbing the book from the ground. It’s heavy, the cover itself thick and leather bound.