“You should be,” she growls, not at all deterred.

Reaching forward, my hand drops onto her bare shoulder. I skim down her arm, until my fingers curl into the fabric of her shirt. I pull it down a little farther, revealing more of her creamy skin.

“I think it’s you, my little witch, that should be terrified. I don’t typically take kindly to threats, and your constant sparring has me feeling a little off-kilter. You want to battle, baby? See which one of us would win a war?”

I curl my finger up, around her shoulder and to her collarbone. Tracing the slenderness of her neck, I smile as she shivers, her smooth body rippling with goosebumps.

“I’d rather stick knives in my eyes than spend a second around you more than necessary. So I’ll pass,baby.” She huffs, stomping off with irritation.

I’m not finished.

My hand snaps out, and I wrap my fingers around her wrist. Pulling her toward me, I let out a growl as her soft body brushes against my hard one. I bring my thumb to her jaw, tracing the tense muscles. “You so badly want to get away from me, but the moment I have you on your back, it seems you can’t help but try to claw your way into me. Which is it, Hazel? You want to fight, or you want to fuck? I’ve got the scratches on my back that make me believe it’s the latter.”

She shivers, her body turning limp in my arms. My brow lifts, and I instantly know her answer, though she’d never admit it.

I take a step back, releasing her. “Don’t worry, baby. It can be our little secret.” I smirk at her. “For now.”

Her nostrils flare as she bares her teeth. “I absolutely detest you.”

I hum. “Well, you are my favorite enemy.”

This time when she runs off, I let her. My hand raises to my forehead, and I dig the heel of my palm against the bridge of my nose, rubbing away the impending headache.

Levi turns around when he sees me and he stops, giving Hazel a scowl as she passes him.

He shakes his head once I reach him. “She’s trying to get under your skin. You’reletting herget under your skin. Be patient, we’ll have our fun.”

I watch her catch up to her friends, the anger leaving her instantly as she looks around. Of course she can brush shit off, with her witchy-ass attitude and ability to change moods.

“Come on, dude, let’s get this shit over with.” Levi slaps me on the back, and walks over to Piper, swinging his arm over her shoulder and pulling her toward what remains of the church.

Walking after them, my nose wrinkles in disgust. The closer I get to the church, the more it smells like smoke and death.

Itreallysmells like death.

Like charred skin and bones.

I dig into my pocket, pulling out my pack of cigarettes and sticking another one between my lips. Cupping my hand over the tip, I spark it up and watch as it glows orange.

Pocketing my lighter, I walk through the break in the tape, my boots crunching over pieces of wood and broken glass.

Malik and Vera are already in the rubble, picking up pieces of plywood, rolling over heavy remains of brick as they search for… I don’t know what, exactly.

“What the fuck are we even looking for?” I snap, bending down and picking up a half-burnt book, instantly dropping it when I notice it’s a Bible.

Not fucking with that shit.

“I’ll know it when I see it!” Hazel shouts, bending down as she moves a broken desk, bent over so far, the back of her shirt, or dress, whatever the fuck it is, rides up, showing off a peek of her dark purple panties.


I turn the other way, heading toward the left-hand side of what used to be the classrooms. I tear through stuff quickly, still not sure what I’m searching for, because everything looks like junk, absolute trash. Broken glass, tables, burnt carpet, fallen window frames, paper that turns to ash the moment my fingers touch it.

“This is all shit,” I bark after half an hour. The days are short in Castle Pointe, and whatever remains of the day is limited. I don’t really want to be here at night, especially not stepping through this bullshit.

Suddenly, Vera lets out a horrified scream, and Malik is at her side in a second. The rest of us snap straight, hopping over piles of junk to make it to her.

My eyes widen when I follow her pointed fingers.