His eyes hollow out, darkening to black pits that won’t allow him to answer my question. Suddenly, a wall drops around him, making him impossible to break through. The heat of his body turns to ice, and I can do nothing but gasp in a breath as he steps away from me, resentment and malice exuding from him.

“Stay the fuck away from me, little witch. And stay away from my friends, too.” He pulls me away from the door, then latches his fingers around the knob, yanking it open so forcefully the gust of wind has me stumbling back. As he steps outside, he turns his head, glancing at me over his shoulder. “You might want to watch your back. I can sense a bit of danger in your future.”

I swallow over the lump in my throat, knowing exactly what he means without having to say it.

He’s planning a prank, and I’m his next victim.

He opens the door, and just as he crests the doorway, my lips crack open, and I utter my own threat. “Your pranks might be dangerous, Felix, but they’re no match for what I’m capable of. I think you need to be the one to watch your back.”

His lips lift into a smirk, and he strides outside without another word.

“I hate you,” I whisper.

Ihate her.

Truly, honestly, more than I know my cock is my own, fucking hate her.

Always have, and sure as fuck always will.

When it started? I couldn’t tell you. For as long as I’ve known Hazel Ares, I couldn’t stand her.

Her dark hair that looks like someone dipped it into ink, mixed with a purple so vibrant I want to tear it from her skull. Her green eyes that look like rare gemstones, to the way she looks like a kid and a grown-ass adult at the same time. She’s curvy, she’s thin, she’s voluptuous, yet petite. She’s so many things and she’s absolutelynothingto me.

She’s not fucking popular, yet she’s literally the most interesting person I’ve ever looked at. Ever been around. Interacted with.

My hate started young, as me and the boys watched her with a flock of people around us and she stood off by herself, drawing in the dirt with a broken stick, not paying attention to the popular kids or the loners.

It wasn’t until her friends, Piper and Blaire, came to school that she didn’t live in absolute solitude. I almost thought there was something wrong with her, but then she met two other alternative kids and started acting somewhat normal.

It only made me hate her more.

We live in a world where everyone cares about everything. There isn’t a kid on this earth that isn’t obsessed with their appearance, who they like, what they wear, and everything else, and this girl walks around as oblivious as a blade of grass.

No, not oblivious, she just doesn’t give a fuck. And for some reason, when it comes to Hazel, it makes me absolutely blind with fury.

Then the night three years ago, when she came to a party and got drunk. Her limbs got loose, and her eyes got hazy, and my fucking ass couldn’t handle her, a picture of perfection as her hair fluttered in the breeze of the night along Lake Superior. Something about her drew me against her.

I brought her to my car like I would any other girl in Castle Pointe. Shoving her into the back seat with my rough hands, I degraded the girl who promised me over and over that she wasn’t a virgin.

She lied.

She fucking lied to me.

I don’t fuck virgins. I never have before. It wasn’t my intention.

Yet the streaks of blood on my cock and car seats were a dead giveaway to the fact that she lied to me.

She lied to me.

Fuck, I hate that girl.

Since that day, I’ve done my very best to hold back from snapping on her. Pranking her. Killing her. It would be so easy. It would be so damn easy.

And it was, for a while. Until Vera came into town and wrapped her sharp fingers around my best friend and befriended my enemy at the same time.

Planting me directly in the middle of all the damn bullshit.

I’d hoped that time and distance would dissolve my distaste for the little witch, but everywhere I look, there she is.