At me.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Felix always finds a way to get angry with me. It’s part of our relationship. We have fun, he gets mad, I get mad, we fight, we make up, and sometimes, like today, when I’ve made him extra angry, he plays a game with me.

Tonight, he wants to play his twisted version of tag.

As he stalks up to me, my toes curl in my combat boots. I pull my hair back, lifting it into a high ponytail on the top of my head. If he wants to play a game, I’m always down with it, but fuck, when he’s truly angry, it does get a little frightening.

Felix always has an edge to him, but seeing the darkness come out is both beautiful and terrifying.

Though, tonight, I knew he’d grow angry with me. I can’t say I didn’t anticipate it. I kind of wanted the game, though I’d never admit it to him. He’d only scare me more.

Earlier today, we were at the abandoned house, that for some reason the guys still go to, and I can’t really understand the reason why. Felix just shrugs when I ask him, telling me it’s part of his family, and I don’t ask anything more than that.

It’s part of my family too, if he really wants to go there, but I don’t, because he never really likes to discuss the fact that we’re related, down the bloodline.

Everyone was there this evening, drinking, smoking, because it’s a fucking weekend, and the guys get so boring during the week when they work in the office.

Anyway, I’ve been talking to the girls about what the hell we’re going to do. It’s been almost a year since we graduated, and Vera is the only one in school. I never knew what I wanted to do, but when Blaire told me she kind of wanted to become a teacher, something stuck with me.

A teacher sounded kind of interesting. So, I applied to college, and I didn’t tell Felix.

The only reason I didn’t tell him is because I know he would want to talk about it with me first, and it would become this big, long discussion, and I didn’t want to think about it. I just wanted todo it.

Felix would never be angry that I wanted to be successful; he’s never given me any kind of indication he wouldn’t be proud. He’s just so much more calculating than my impulsive self, so the fact that I got my acceptance letter last week, and I’ve been keeping it from him, yeah—I knew he’d be mad.

I knew the day would come when he would find out, because I’m going to go, and he’s going to have to deal with it.

Blaire also got an acceptance letter, and Piper just found out she’s been accepted into a psychology program. So, really, we’re all getting our shit together, together.

This couldn’t have come at a better time, because news just broke earlier today. They are starting the rebuild of the school in Castle Pointe. Exactly in the spot Castle Pointe Academy stood.

Those who needed to go to school had to go to the next town, because the kids who lived here had to go somewhere.

Once the school is built, they will need teachers, and it feels like another stroke of fate.

Blaire and I both talked about it, and we’ll apply at the new Castle Pointe school, and Piper will apply as the school counselor.

Because the guys will never leave Castle Pointe. This is their home. And honestly, now that I know about my family history, this is my home, too.

No matter how badly we wish to escape our pasts, some things are just simply driven by fate.

And tonight, when we were all sitting on the new—at our request—couches, in the abandoned—not so much anymore—house, Blaire was too damn stoned to realize her slipup, and when she did, it was too late.

She asked me if I registered for classes yet, and I’m pretty sure my eyes bugged out of my head.

Suddenly, Blaire’s eyes mirrored mine, and pure silence rung out through the small living room.

“Classes for what, Hazel?” Felix’s voice was so quiet he nearly whispered the words, and a shiver worked through my body so epically I’m sure everyone noticed.

“What the fuck are the classes for?” he asked again.

I turned to him with a sheepish look. “School.”

He stared at me long and hard before he stood from the couch, grabbing his keys from the coffee table. “I’ll be in the car,” he said, not saying another word as he stood up and walked out the front door.

“Shit, you’re dead,” Atticus said, eyes red as he held a blunt in his hand.

“I’m sorry,” Blaire whispered.