“This one makes less sense than the last one,” Vera groans, shoving off the couch. “It’s like reading a different language. How the hell are you supposed to crack the code in a book when we can’t even crack the code on real life.”

I reread the words, sensing the truth between the letters. Something is significant about these.

“Numbers,” I whisper.

“What was that?” Piper asks, her hand coming to my shoulder.

I shoot off the couch, with the orange spell book firmly in my grip. “It keeps talking about numbers. How we are strong in numbers. Sometimes four, sometimes more. Strong are numbers. I am strong when I’m alone, but I’m stronger with Vera. We would be strong with the four of us, but we would be even stronger with all of us. Maybe more.”

Vera’s eyes widen. “So, we all get together and what? Stand in a circle like the stick figures and hope this all stops?” She shakes her head in disgust. “It’s never that easy, Hazel. You should know that by now.”

I groan, knowing it’s true.

I look around the room, feeling the darkness spreading from corner to corner, evil infiltrating everywhere I look. We’re losing time; every second we don’t do something is another second we’re falling into the depths of this hell that is making its way to earth.

It’s like I’m missing something. Something that will put the final pieces together.

My eyes widen.

The book.

I dart across the room, my knees slamming against the hardwood floor as I open my backpack. I pull out the biggest book of all, the grimoire. My fingers grip the heavy book, and I let out a grunt as I pull it out. It thumps against the floor, and I take a deep breath, looking up at the girls.

“Are you sure?” Blaire asks. “You know this will lead to nothing good.”

“But it could also be the answer. I’ve been putting it off, but I can’t put it off any longer. I have to… I have to know.”

With a nod, they nod, and I nod back.

Cracking open the cover, I feel the energy in the room shift from electric to heavy, as if the air has filled with a humidity. My fingers grip the rough floor as my other hand turns the thick pages.

Images of devils with horns, virgin sacrifices, blood magic, and death. So much death. Mass suicides, murders, and possession. It’s filled with so much evil and horrible things I’ve been warned to stay away from; it feels painful to even be reading these words.

Mostly now that I’ve fallen into the darkness myself and know how easy it is to get lost.

“What does it say?” Blaire asks as she glances at the pages beside me. It’s in a different language, and I know none of them can understand what any of this means.

"Lorsque vous plongerez dans l'obscurité, vous constaterez que non seulement vous, mais tout le monde autour de vous et tout ce sur quoi vous marcherez respirerez également la malédiction de la mort. Une fois qu'un maudit est placé et que celui qui l'a placé est en vie se termine, la malédiction doit rester. Il n'y a pas moyen de briser une malédiction de la mort. Il s'est solidifié dans la terre et les racines du monde."

“What the hell does that mean?” Vera groans.

I repeat it in English.

“When you dip into the darkness, you will find that not only you, but everyone around you and everything you step on will also breathe the curse of death. Once a curse is placed and the one who placed it dies, the curse will be forged into stone and forever remain. There is no breaking a curse from death. It has solidified into the earth and the roots of the world.”

“I still don’t understand,” she sighs.

I frown, rereading the words. “There is no breaking Rowena’s curse on the school and Castle Pointe. She cursed this land and then left it, knowing exactly what she intended to do.”

“What about the portal? Anything about that?” Piper asks.

I turn the page, seeing a dark reddish black circle that seems to be spiraling into hell, fingers and arms reaching from the depths.

I read the words, refusing to say them out loud.

“I wonder if this book was Rowena’s,” I whisper.

“Why?” Piper asks.