The rainwater trickles off the roof and onto the ground. It’s stopped raining, but the water still drips, the ground muddy, and there’s an ominous chill in the air.

It only takes a few minutes before Vera, Piper, and Blaire make their way outside, closing the door quietly behind them.

Vera swings Malik’s keys around her finger as she races to his Rover. My eyes widen, and I follow her silently, shocked she’s literally looking to get murdered.

“What’s going on? Is something wrong?” Blaire whispers.

Vera jingles the keys again as a slow smile spreads across her face. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to go have some fun.”

My blood wages a war in my veins, between wanting to take part in a prank that would be so much more epic than the guys have ever done, and knowing the moment it’s over, whether we survive tonight or not, they are going to make us regret it.

Piper winces, and I can tell she has the same thoughts as I do. “Malik will literally kill you.”

No, they’ll all kill all of us.

Vera laughs. I know she’s a bit crazy, a bit wild when it comes to Malik, but sometimes she forgets how deadly those four guys really are. “It’ll be fine. When do we ever get to have fun? They always get to do this dark and evil shit while we have to sit on the sidelines. Tonight is our night. They graduated last year. We graduated this year. Let’s go have fun. I have an idea.”

“What idea? What the fuck have you been planning?” I lift my eyebrows at her as I ask. It seems as if Vera has already been plotting this for a while.

Vera shows her teeth with her big smile, and they glimmer off the brightness of the moon. My eyes widen, and I do a double take at it, just now realizing that tonight is a full moon. Nothing good ever happens at night in Castle Pointe when there is a full moon. A shiver runs down my spine, and it’s suddenly ten degrees cooler than it was only a moment ago.

“Get in the car and I’ll tell you,” Vera says as she opens her door.

We all follow suit, and moments later, Vera is driving down the gravel path to the main road, between the black pines that I swear feel thicker than usual. It’s as if their creeping branches are leaning over the road in an attempt to stop whatever it is Vera has up her sleeve.

“So, what the hell was going on upstairs? Did something happen with Atticus?” Vera asks Blaire in the back seat, turning around to sneak a glance at her. Blaire averts her eyes, her face flaming red.

“It wasn’t fucking planned.” She turns to Piper. “You and Levi started it.”

Piper scoffs. “No, I fucking didn’t.” She leans forward, her hands going to the headrest, shaking my entire seat. “I think there was a little too much liquor and pot, because, well… yeah. There was maybe, possibly… a threesome.”

“Foursome,” Blaire clips.

I glance over at Vera, seeing her lips pinched closed to the point they turn white, her eyes wide as saucers, yet she doesn’t say a word.

Slouching down in the passenger seat, I want to melt into the leather that smells like a heady mix of pine, smoke, and leather. All of them smell like this. Outdoors, rebellion, and luxury.

“So, what’s your plan, you fucking lunatic?” I ask, wanting the conversation to stray from the massive elephant of last night.

“I hate the school.”


“Okay? We all do,” Blaire says with a laugh.

“School’s over, Vera. You get that, right?” I ask with narrowed eyes.

Vera shakes her head, her eyes a little manic as both of her hands grip the steering wheel. She’s strangling the leather, as if she’s imagining the school and all the sisters wrapped in her grip.

“No, like, I really fucking hate that place. It’s been nothing but hell. Granted, this last year wasn’t as bad, but it’s evil. Like, pure-ass evil. I’m tired of letting this toxic shit surrounding me just keep poisoning everyone. I don’t want kids to ever, ever, fucking have to go in that room again,” she grinds out between her teeth.

“So, what’s your grand idea?” I ask after a few silent minutes.

“I want to burn the motherfucker to the ground.” She says the words so quietly I barely hear them. But even with the soft hum of the engine, and our barely audible breathing, her words cut like glass, a loud gunshot through the air around us.

More silence.

“What?” I shout, both Blaire and Piper echoing behind me once it registers that she’s not fucking with us.