I take another step toward him, and he steps to the side, out of my way. His hand snaps out, curling around the front of my throat. “If you’re lying, I’ll crush your windpipe with my bare fingers.”

“I’m not,” I choke out. “But it doesn’t matter to me.” He lets go, taking a healthy step back, toward the stairs. “Something’s changed in me, with us. I don’t… I don’t know what it is, but I feel it.” I’m too embarrassed to look him in the face, but I do, only momentarily. “Do you feel it?”

“I feel nothing for you,” he seethes. “You mean nothing to me.”

Another slew of tears flow down my cheeks. “Now you’re lying! I know you feel something! You have to!” I cry, stepping toward him.

His hand snaps out again, this time latching onto my bicep. He hauls me to the front door, and I work my way out of his hold.

“I know you feel it. Last night, the night before! All the fucking nights lately, it’s different. What we have is different now.”

“It’s called getting laid, little witch. That’s all it is. A nice fucking orgasm to top off the day.”

My hand flies out, fingers spread, ready to lay my palm against his cheek. His fingers wrap around mine, pulling my hand down. “You slap me, and it’ll be the last time you touch me,” he growls.

I rip my hand from his. “You’re a lying piece of shit. You’re just scared. You’re scared because I like you and you like me too, and you don’t want to fucking admit it. Because you’re a damn coward.”

He laughs humorlessly in my face, his eyes glinting with rage. “Watch your mouth or I’ll put it to better use.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You want me. You know the connection we have is amazing. That’s why you keep coming back.”

His head tilts. “Or you just have a good pussy. Luckily for me, I don’t need it anymore, so get the fuck out of my house.”

My eyes burn with anger, with devastation. “Why the hell are you being so mean!” I roar in his face.

He rushes me, slamming against my chest so my back smacks against the wooden door. “Because, you’re going to come in here and tell me we share the same blood, and then tell me you fucking like me? What the hell are you trying to do to me?”

My face twists in despair. “I’m just trying to tell you the truth.”

He says nothing to me, his jaw clenching.

Tic, tic, tic.

“We’re related,” he says after a moment of silence.

I nod at him.

His eyes settle closed, and when they open again, they’re cold as ice, as if he doesn’t know me at all. “Get out of my house, Hazel, and don’t come back here.”

I shake my head. “No, please.” I’m not a beggar; I don’t plead for anything. If people don’t want what I have to offer, then fuck them.

But Felix saved me, on more than one occasion. I’ve never felt even close to the way I feel about him.

He curls his hand under my arm, and I think he’s about to pull me to him when I hear the lock disengage. “Get out, Hazel,” he says, his tone final.

Tears flood my cheeks. “What about closing the portal?” I whisper.

He shakes his head at me. “You’re on your own.”

Grabbing my arm, he pulls me away from the door as he opens it, then pushes me outside.

“Don’t come here again. We’re done. For good.”

He shuts the door in my face without another word, and the moment the door clicks, it begins raining again. Tears flood down my cheeks, mixing with the raindrops. My chest hiccups as sobs hit me, and I stare at the door in anger and shock, wishing I could change the past, but I can’t.

Spinning on my feet, I race toward my car, darting inside and wiping the rain from my face. I pull out my phone, dialing Vera.

“Hello?” she asks softly, as if she’s lying in bed.