With a snap of her neck, those who came together turned on each other.

It was absolute madness.

There was no escaping it.

Very few survived, and they described the massacre filled with so much blood it painted the town red.

All the while, Rowena stood to the side with her arms raised, a manic smile on her face as she watched death and destruction all around her.

After the streets filled with the bodies of the innocent, Rowena made her way to the church, ending every life in her path.

Into the church she walked, during Mass. She slipped into The Room of Atonement, and ended her life, knowing the curse she would put on that building and everyone in it.

The only holy place in our town, and Rowena Kipling spoiled it for the rest of time.

Though we all wished that would’ve been the end, it was far from it.

Once the sisters found her, they knew it wouldn’t be the end, as the note pinned to the cross on the wall proved that to be true.

“The door is closed in Castle Pointe, but I promise you, this is only temporary. There will come a time when the door is opened, and those who are trapped beneath the dirt will walk this earth once again. The dead will walk with the living. And we will take back everything that we have lost. And it will only be the beginning.”

And with that, the devastation covered Castle Pointe like a disease, rapid and painful as it covered every inch of this town. We could no longer leave, seeking solace in nearby towns. Those who once worked in the church were no longer wholesome, but filled with such malevolence, it couldn’t be stopped.

The body of Rowena was removed from the church and brought to the cemetery, trapped in a mausoleum and chained tight, hoping it would stop the evil now that she is gone.

But it hasn’t stopped, and I think we understand now, it will never be stopped.

We live in a cursed town, filled with death and evil.

The dead never sleep in Castle Pointe.

They never have, and they never will.

All we can hope is that the door Rowena has created stays closed for all of eternity.

Because if it is opened, God help us all.

I shut the book, sweat trailing down my spine as I stare at my ceiling.

Rowena created the portal.

We opened it.

I drop the book off the side of the bed, thumping as the spine hits my floor.

I feel in shock as I sit up, grabbing the book about my family history in a daze, and flopping back onto my back.

I don’t know what I’ll find, but I know whatever it is, it’s close.

I can taste it.

I crack open the cover, and it’s tight from unuse.

I briefly read through the ancient history; how my far, far ancestors came from New England and Europe. My brows furrow, and I turn the pages, wondering if this will help me at all, or if my grandmother is trying to send me on a wild goose chase. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.

Almost like it’s my punishment for being so foolish.

I keep reading, my eyes burning and my head beginning to ache, but I want to see it through, so I flip through the pages until the pads of my fingers have paper cuts from turning them so fast.