She melts the ice in my bones. Makes me feel things I never knew I could.

She’s strong, never one to crumble, even with all my cruel, dangerous games. The bullying she’s had to endure over the years, she’s never once faltered.

Yet tonight, the hidden crack in her soul shattered.

And I’m going to put her back together.

The metal of the lighter burns my thumb, and the glowing yellow flames light up the room. Warm wax melts on the outside of the white candle, my entire floor covered with them.

Not a place on my floor is untouched by a candle. They line my windowsill too, the downpour of rain hammering against the double-paned glass adding to the subtle crackle of the collective flames. And from the sound of it, it doesn’t seem as if it’s going to be stopping any time soon.

My eyes glance to Hazel, who lies in the exact spot I left her. Sleep wasn’t coming to me, not after I watched the distress roll through her body for hours. She lay there quietly as she soaked the pillow under her head, my fingers drenched as I worked tirelessly to wipe them away. I didn’t have any words for her, my emotions conflicting in my chest, from anger to affection. It seems that a broken Hazel brings out the very, very small soft spots of me.

The warm, delicate scent of burning wick fills the air, and I step around the candles, heading back to the bed.

What am I doing?

Honestly, I couldn’t answer that if I had a knife to my throat. Watching Hazel suffer for hours, I wanted to give her a moment of peace, and it’s as if my body unconsciously grabbed the stash of candles in my house, setting them around my floor and windows as I lit every single one.

I sit on the edge of the bed, the frame creaking slightly from my weight. Hazel shifts, rolling onto her side for the first time, her hand sliding under her cheek. Her eyes flutter open, dazed and confused in my dim room.

They clash with mine, the green bright and alluring, a rare gem placed delicately into each of her eyes that I’ll never tire of staring at. Her hand goes up, and she brushes her now dried hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Slowly, the light in her eyes fades, memories of the day coming back to her slowly. Her body tenses, and I watch as she begins curling in on herself.

I’ve had enough of it.

I bring my hand up, gripping the comforter around her chest, pulling it down, exposing her body to me. She grabs for it to cover herself, but I’m stronger, easily inching it out of her hand, my cock twitching in my sweats as her nakedness comes into view.

“What are you doing?” she whines, her eyes narrowing.

“Bringing you back to me,” I grumble. My fingers wrap around her ankle, and I pull her across the mattress, until she’s a heap of limbs in front of me.

“I just… I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispers brokenly.

I lean forward, grabbing onto her chin, lifting her eyes to mine. “Whatever was in you… is it gone?”

She stares at me for a moment, then slowly nods, my fingers moving with her.

“Then let it all go,” I murmur.

“I have to save Castle Pointe.”

I smirk. “Save the world tomorrow, little witch.”

She stares at me, longingly, as if she wants my words to be true. She wants to let go, and I just have to show her how.

I drag my fingers up her ankle, gliding up her smooth calf, curling them behind the knee, and up the back of her thigh. She arches toward me, letting out a small breath as her eyes shutter closed.

“Keep your eyes on me, Hazel,” I command.

Her eyes fly open, her jade greens even brighter now from my touch, blinding as they bore into me.

“I’m going to make you forget, and then I’m going to make you come,” I murmur.

Her head slides back and forth. “I don’t… I can’t…”

“You can, and you will.” I grip her thigh, squeezing the softness before I drag my fingers up, purposefully staying away from her pussy that I can already smell is growing wet with arousal.