Fingers wrap around my wrists, and I'm yanked onto my stomach. The fingers are cold and feel like bones, no warm flesh to cushion their grip as they wrap around my wrists. I let out a scream, pushing up on my knees to escape death, but it's no use.

It's everywhere.

Suddenly, the ties holding my arms together are loosened, as are the fingers around my wrists. I spin around, moving into a corner, my arms going in front of me as I feel the air, expecting to come into contact with a body, but I don't.

It's only air.

Without another thought, my lips crack open, and I start saying the Lord's Prayer.

"Our Father, who art in heaven—"

"God won't help you here, Vera," the voice utters, malice dripping from her tongue with each letter.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I sob, looking from left to right, but no one stands in front of me. I expect to see a woman. A nun from the school, even. The voices all sound similarly evil, but there’s no one.

This ominous stirring slips into my stomach, and I feel like something bad is about to happen. Not the feeling from last night with the guys. Not the feeling from earlier when the Ouija board flung toward me in an attempt to hit me.

No, this is an entirely different type of evil.

It’s filled with such wickedness that I can taste it on my tongue with each breath I take.

What’s worse, is this terrible feeling. It’s horrible, knowing that someone is staring at you when you don’t have the ability to see them.

I reach forward, my hands going to the ground as I search for the rope, but it's nowhere.

It's gone.

"You will die here," she sighs, like she's disappointed in that fact. Like it's bound to happen.

I frown. "I won't. You don't fucking know anything."

I see a shadow appear in front of me. A thin arm, half decayed, bony and decrepit, slides in front of me. I press against the wall, my head cranking back, but there's nowhere to go.

I'm trapped.

The long nail, black and pointy, presses against my scar. "I know more than you think, Vera." The finger swipes up, the nail scratching along my cheek, and I wince, my hand going up to my face when I instantly smell the metallic scent of blood fill the room.

The finger disappears, and a glow lights up the corner of the room. A tall woman, her hair dark and matted, stands there. Her eyes are black, her mouth unhinged, and the corner is bone. She lifts her hand, and it's like she has an invisible string attached to my chest. I lift off the ground, floating in the air until I'm above her. Her hand is full of black veins, wrapping around her skin and traveling up her arm.

I let out a scream, terror clutching my insides and squeezing tight as my body arches. I can barely breathe, the feeling in my chest taking hold again, and my heart hurts.

It hurts so bad.

The light goes out, and I fall, my elbows hitting the ground with a zing of pain shooting up my arm.

The light flickers on again, like it's from an old lantern, though I can't see one anywhere.

My eyes widen when I see the same woman, with the rope from my wrists tied around her neck as she hangs from the ceiling.

Swinging, back and forth.

Her eyes are open, but she is so dead. Staring at me with horror in her eyes. They hook into me, and I can’t look away even though I so badly want to.

I let out a scream, dread filling me from my toes to the threads of my hair. The air leaves my lungs, and my body turns cold as the woman's eyes stare into the pit of my soul.

I grow lightheaded, and everything feels hazy.

Then, everything turns black.