"If you'd get out of my fucking way, I'd like to get to class," I snap.

Malik stares at my breasts, like he can see straight through my white shirt and to my scar. Like just by looking at the jagged edges, he could read between the lines and figure out why I'm so fucked up in the first place.

I smoosh my books to my chest, stepping out of the little corner they've shoved me into. "Go away."

"She seems pretty bitchy still. Maybe she needs another lesson?" the one on the left says with a nasty grin on his face. My fingers twitch with the need to slap him.

I lean into him, smelling the intoxicating scent all of them have. Like cigarettes and marijuana and pine and fucking evil. "I've got my knife in my bag. Try me one more time and I'll shove the tip so far into your cock it splits in two."

His face grows serious for a second before a wide smile spreads across his face. His shiny white teeth glow at me. "Holy fuck. You are fucked up." He turns to Malik. "If you haven't fucked her yet…" His meaning is clear. He wants to fuck me.

I sneer at them. At all of them.

I watch as a dark shadow crosses Malik's face. He looks furious at his friend’s words and furious at me.

I take this as my moment, and I slip around them, noticing Piper talking to a group of guys. A small smirk breaks free as an idea hits me, and I squeeze in between them, pressing my front to one of the guy’s arms and lay my hand on his shoulder. "I don't think we've met. I'm Vera." I extend my hand, and he looks momentarily shocked before hesitantly placing his palm in mine.

"Penn." His eyes glance down to my torn tights, my skirt that I have folded too many times, my worn boots that have too many scuffs on them, and my shirt that is buttoned up to the top, contradicting the rest of my outfit. The naughty schoolgirl in the flesh. "You the new girl?"

"I am." My fingers go up to my septum ring, and I give it a slight pull, narrowing my eyes. "What grade are you in?"

The guy is cute. Slightly alternative, though it's hard to tell exactly when everyone wears the same outfits. But his hair is messy, and the way he looks at me screams approval. But, I guess, all guys look that way when they look at me, so that doesn't say much.

"I'm in twelfth. Y–" A large hand lands on his shoulder, and another on mine. Pine and smoke fill my senses, and I close my eyes before looking over my shoulder.

I knew he would come. I have to say, I'm almost a bit disappointed it took so long.

"I suggest you both stop talking to each other before I pull your tongues from your throats," Malik says quietly, but clearly.

Penn's face pales, and he immediately steps back from me. He doesn't say a word, to him or to me. He just walks off, a letdown yet terrified look on his face. He doesn’t even spare me a backward glance.

Malik turns his glare toward me. "You are just begging to be fucked with, Vera. Have you not listened to a word I said?"

"Maybe I just don't give a fuck. Take your hand off me now, Malik. Your games are getting exhausting."

He leans in, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "The moment you stepped foot into Castle Pointe, you started playing my game."

I shrug out of his hold, glaring up at him. I can see his friends in the background, waiting for the next move.

I bring my boot up, slamming it down on his expensive shoe. His face turns dark, a shadow covering everything besides his clenched jaw. His hand goes to my neck, and he takes a step forward, slamming me against the locker.

I can hear people scattering. Some gather closer, though most of them flee, everyone too scared to be around Malik and his friends.

I can feel them, gathering closer, surrounding me. Circling like vipers, just waiting for the right moment to strike. The metal of the locker digs into my spine, the painful scratches still too raw to hold back the wince that overtakes my face. Malik doesn’t care as his fingers raise, pressing into my cheeks and keeping my face pointed at him.

My eyes move to his friends. "Let me get my knife and we'll see who wins the fight." I'd probably lose, to be honest. I'm no match when it comes to these four, but if I could get in one strike, I think I could lose happy.

"Mr. Myers… Miss Lowell!” A startled voice rings through the hall. “Mr. Myers, take your hands off her right now!"

Malik drops me, and I tumble to the floor, the phantom feeling of his fingers still pressing against my face. I bring my hands up, rubbing it away.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"It's just a sibling problem, Sister Marjorie." I wince, hating all the sisters, but Sister Marjorie is evil on a totally different level.

"Do we need to take this to the office, Mr. Myers?"

I shake my head, not even looking at Malik, but speaking up for him before he says something that’ll get me sent to The Room of Atonement. "No. I just want to go to class." Picking up my books that must have fallen to the ground, I move past everyone, walking down the hall.