I take a deep breath. "There was a woman. She untied my hands and took the rope. She hung herself right in front of me."

"She was alive?!" Hazel shrieks.

I shake my head. "No. She was very much dead. Like, half of her body was bones, and the other half was old, like she was from a different century."

"Oh my God," Blaire whispers. She glances over her shoulder at Piper. "Do you think… do you think it's her?"

"Who?" I reach out, grabbing her wrist. "Who the fuck was that?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know. But maybe it's the woman who cursed this whole town. The witch."

I let go of her wrist, scooting back until my spine hits my wooden, black headboard. "Oh, shit. You think?"

Blaire shrugs. "I don't know. I don't even know where the cemetery is. There's the main one on the edge of town, but there's no crypt or mausoleum. Where the hell were you?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. It was so dark, and I couldn't see anything. It looked small, though. Like the gravestones looked hundreds of years old."

Hazel furrows her eyebrows. "I've never heard of that place. Are you sure it was in town?"

"Of course it was in town if some weird shit like that happened." Hazel rolls her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us about this? It's been days and you haven't said a word." Blaire frowns.

I shrug. "I don't know. I just didn't want to bother anyone."

My ceiling creaks again, and I glare at my friends. "Did you hear that?"

"Uh-huh," they all say simultaneously.

"Girl…" Hazel looks at me, the color drained from her face. "I think you have a spirit attached to you."

"One?" I scoff. "I've been seeing spirits everywhere. It feels like this entire town is haunting me."

She stands up from the bed. "I need to go home. We need to get a protection spell on you before it's too late."

I slip out of bed with her. "Protection? Against what? Do you think they'll, like… hurt me?"

She winces. "Well, I want to avoid that. Come home with me. We can figure out what to do."

I shake my head, not wanting to do anything witchy. Not if it means possibly becoming more haunted than I already am. "I don't think so. What if it only gets worse? This is what started it all in the first place."

"We can protect you, you know. If we're all together, our energy is stronger than just one person alone." Piper walks up to me. "You should really come."

I think about leaving the house. About seeing and hearing things and having nowhere to go. As weird as it is, this place has become somewhat of a safe haven for me. My bed is my security, it's the only place that is comfortable.

I take a step back toward my bed. "I'm going to stay here."

"Not a good idea, Vera," Piper says with a frown.

I slide back into bed, laying the covers over my lap. Looking outside, I see it's already dark out, no stars in the sky tonight. It's filled with heavy clouds, which means it's going to rain soon.

"I'm not leaving. Not tonight. Just… figure out what to do and come back tomorrow." I slide down until my head hits the pillow, and the three of them stare at me.

"I'll pray for you," Hazel says. It only has chills breaking out down my spine, because I know she's absolutely serious about her words.

They walk to the door, and Blaire stops, turning around to stare at me. Her eyes are sad, a little concerned. "Is your mom home at least? Or Malik's dad?"

I shake my head, hating the fact that my evil mom and stepfather could give me safety of any kind. "They're gone for a whole week."