"She's not going to be my sister. I give them a week before they crumble and attempt to flee."

"But what if they don't?" He brushes his locks from his face, nearly untamable in the whipping wind. It's always windy here. There's constantly a howl reverberating beyond the thick trees. It's like the ghosts are screaming, is what people say. The ghosts of our pasts, screeching in anguish.

Because in Castle Pointe, the ghosts never really move on.

"Then it looks like I'll have to make them leave."

Levi walks over, adjusting his black joggers from wherever he just came from. "What're we talking about?"

"Mal is saying how he plans to run his new family out of town." Felix smiles, a darkness entering his gaze.

Levi runs his hands together. "Count me in. Are we playing a game?"

I shrug. "We'll see. This town might be enough to make them run all on their own."

We all look over our shoulders, our small group of people with our black cars all parked in the middle of the pier. Behind us sits a wall of rock that lines the main road. The tallest of trees sits on top of the hill, thick and dark and so full of mystery.

"It's been a while since we played," Atticus grumbles, always the eager one to get into trouble.

"No one stays here long enough anymore," Levi says, leaning his arms along the black railing. He presses his feet on the bricks below him, leaning over the side so he can watch the dark waters below. "Maybe we need to hit up another town. Shit is getting boring here."

The harsh wind whips my cheeks, and I can feel my skin chilling. It's only the fall, but this far up north it never grows too warm, and nights are always cold. Summer or winter. There's always a chill, more so here than any other town in Northern Minnesota.

This town is like home to me, but it doesn’t make living here any more enjoyable. My dad is a piece of shit. He always has been. He thinks he's a good father because he makes enough money to keep my great grandchildren comfortable, but he doesn't have any father-like capabilities in his body. He's an emotionless douchebag, and unfortunately, I know those tendencies roll in my blood, too.

My own mother was gone the moment she realized how fucked up this place really is. How deep the evil really runs through my father. Years ago, so young I only remember small glimpses here and there, I remember she packed up her bags and was ready to leave without a backward glance. She didn’t even want me to go with her. She knew whatever lay in my father’s eyes also lies in mine. The poison of Castle Pointe has seeped so far into my veins, I thrive in it. It's part of me at this point, and I know nothing else besides the demons of my family name and the demons of this dark town.

She never really loved me. She never loved any of us. And because of that, tragedy struck her as she tried to leave, and only death was her saving grace. Her body lay in a pile of bones in my backyard. It was never discovered what happened to her, but with the evil that lie in this town, those questions were never even uncovered.

I don’t care enough to dig. My dad has never been a good man. She always knew what she was getting into before she spread her legs for him. Her deciding to flee and leave me behind in this evil place is enough for me to wash my hands of her and regret ever loving her in the first place.

A gust of wind snaps me out of my past and brings me back to the present. I chew on my lip, contemplating what I’m about to say. "I have a feeling that once my new family moves in, we won't have to worry about being bored." There is a truth to my words. The moment my dad told me about this lady and her child, my blood ran cold, and something came alive in me. Like it's anticipating something’s about to happen. Something that I'm unaware of, but my blood rushes for it, and that gets me excited. "I don't think we'll be bored at all."



"Is this for real?" Sacha groans, sitting on the floor up against the wall of my empty bedroom. The movers have already packed everything up, the house that I've grown up in now an empty shell of the place I used to love.

I look around my creamy-colored room, the lines near the door showing each height I was at different ages. The million holes from pictures and tape residue on the walls from all my shitty posters of my favorite bands.

"This is for real." I sit up against the opposite wall, my bag at my feet and nothing else. I think about smoking a cigarette in here and stubbing it out on the carpet just in spite of my mom. I glance at the spot where the smudge of black nail polish recently was. The cleaners were able to get it out with ease. It only makes me want to stub my cigarette out on the carpet even more.

But on the off chance she chooses to leave me here for being an ass, I'd be sleeping in the fields since no one seems to want to take me in.

"This is bullshit. I say we make a run for it." Leena walks in, her combat boots shoving into the freshly cleaned carpet. She walks up to my bedroom window, sliding onto the wooden edge and cracking it open. Her hand digs into her purse, and she pulls out her blue glass bowl and lighter. She lifts it to me, eyebrows raised.

I shrug my shoulders, rolling over to stand up. As long as the window is open, I guess.

Leena is beautiful. With her long, dark hair that nearly catches her waist. Her leather jacket covers her arms and her small, washed-out jean shorts form to her tiny thighs.

Sacha worries less about her looks with her joggers and the hoodie that’s pulled over her head, her wavy, blonde locks flowing out around her face.

I’m somewhere in between the two. With my fishnet tights and black shorts, combined with my black hoodie, I’m in theI don’t give a fuckdepartment of life. If you don’t like how I dress or what I look like, you can fuck right off to the next lane. I don’t have time for you.


"Where would we go?" My thumb presses on the metal, sparking the flame over the freshly grinded green. A tickle burns in my chest, and I bend over, sticking my head out the window as I blow the smoke out and cough until my eyes water.