I wince. "I've gathered." I walk over to my backpack, slinging the black strap over my shoulder. "Can you bring me home?"

Hazel grabs her purse off the ground, digging around for her keys. "I can bring you guys home, if you want."

I nod, ready to get out of here. It feels like I'm being watched from every angle. Something feels wrong. Off. The air feels heavy.

"Do you really think that was your dad talking to you?" Piper whispers as we walk around the table and toward the stairs.

I glance over my shoulder, where the Ouija board sits on the table. I see the wooden planchette shake on the board, like it's trying to tell me something. My eyes widen only moments before the heavy, thick board lifts into the air, like it's weightless, even though I know the wood is heavy and dense.

"Guys…" I whisper.

They stop in their steps, following my line of sight.

"Do you see that?" My voice squeaks.

"Uh-huh." I can't tell who said that, the fear thickening the air in the room. I feel weighted down, like my legs could give out at any moment and knock against the ground. I steel my knees, locking them in place as I watch the Ouija board levitate across the room.

"What's happening?" Blaire whispers.

The board spins, then jerks, shooting in my direction at lightning speed. I duck at the last second, but the board still nicks my cheek, and I instantly feel the warm drip of blood trailing down my face.

The board and planchette crash into the wall behind me. So fast, so forcefully, that the board snaps in two. The noise is angry, the shards and splinters of wood crashing harshly against one another as they fall apart.

We all stare at the wood at our feet. My eyes are wide, burning and painful, as they watch the broken wood with unblinking eyes.

And suddenly, the realness of what just happened seems to hit us all at the same time. Our bodies twitch, and we don't say a word as we race up the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

We sprint from the house, bursting from the front door and running to Hazel's car. It started raining again outside, a light drizzle that hits our skin quickly. Even though the non-existent sun hasn’t set yet, the cloud cover makes it feel like the middle of the night.

The many drops instantly turn my clothes into a damp fabric that weighs me down. Like it wants to keep me at the house, but I break through it, flinging myself into Hazel's car and slamming the door shut behind me.

Our heavy pants and the light rain are the only noises heard. It smells like wet pine and anxiety in the small box of the car.

"What the fuck just happened?" Piper shrieks.

I shake my head.

"What the hell are you going to do, Hazel? You can’t go back to your house like that!" Blaire pants.

Hazel turns on her car, reversing out of her driveway before she can even turn her windshield wipers on.

"Hazel!" Blaire shouts.

Hazel blinks, turning to face Blaire in the passenger seat. "Oh, what?" Her teeth chatter lightly, the cold seeping into her skin.

"What are you going to do?" Blaire's voice sounds like she’s near tears, and I don't blame her. That was absolutely terrifying. And I don't ever want to go near it again.

"I don’t know. I’m not going back until my parents get home, though," she sighs, whimpers, and sighs again. "My family has never said anything bad about that Ouija board. It’s never done shit like that to me.” Her eyes tilt to the rearview mirror, and her eyes lock with mine. “I told you, Vera. You are very powerful. More powerful than I am.”

My head whips back and forth. “I’m not a witch. That wasn’t me. It was… whatever the hell that board was. It’s cursed, just like you said Castle Pointe was. If it’s been here for centuries, there has to be some creepy shit inside of it. Right? It wasn’t fucking me.”

Everyone is silent, and I can feel them inspecting me. They think I’m a witch. They think I have powers and have the ability to move the entire board or conjure up a spirit that can move the board across the room.

I’ll admit, I felt…something.While we did the spell and once I was lifted in the air, my entire body hummed. A vibrancy ran through my veins, and it feltso damn good. But I did not, under any circumstances, move that board.

I blink, feeling a chill so deep in my bones, like my blood turns to ice.

Piper looks over at me. "Still feel like that was your dad?"