I shake my head. "I'll come back for you."

He smiles and shakes his head. “If you change your mind about your baby sis, you know where to find us," he says before shutting the door.

I nod my head, and Thea slides off the hood of the Jeep. Her skirt rides up, showing off a hint of her fire red panties. I watch her, my eyes hooded, and my blood humming through my veins. I feel on edge, slightly chaotic, and I hate it. I don't like not feeling in control, and right now, I feel like even the slightest thing will make me snap.

Thea opens the door. "Hey, baby. Where are we going?"

The moment the door shuts, I press on the gas, cutting onto the highway and going directly into the woods. It's gravel, although there isn't much back here. No one ever drives the back roads, usually sticking to the main ones. Driving into the forest means the potential of getting lost.

And things that get lost here never get found.

But I like the mystery. I like the darkness of the trees, so green they seem black in the shadows. I like the constant cover of looming clouds that look so heavy and thick, they'd drown out the entire town if it started to rain.

A lot of the homes in town are abandoned. People who fled many years ago when they realized how toxic this place was. Families who were able to escape before the entire town became cursed. But as time went on, this place only got darker. The air only grew heavier.

"Mal? Where are you taking me?" Thea asks, her fingers reaching out and grabbing onto my thigh. I fly down the road, past abandoned home after abandoned home. There's only one that interests me, and I cut right, driving down the gravel path until we end up in front of my deserted hideout. "What is this place?" She looks at it in disgust, and I swallow down a sigh.

I don't take her here. Only the guys and I know about this place, but for some reason, the chaos inside of me made this the destination for the evening. Unfortunately, she’s the one sitting beside me tonight.

"It's just a place," I say, grabbing my keys from the ignition and slipping them into my pocket. I open the door, sliding out without looking back at her. "You can stay in there if you want."

I walk in the already propped open door, noticing the floor is still wet from the last time it rained. I walk to the couch, to the side that's more elevated than the other, and plop down. It smells like mildew, and the cushions are slightly damp as my arms run across the worn fabric. I reach down to the ground, lifting the bottle of whiskey. We always leave a bottle and a bag of green stashed here. On the off chance we come here unplanned, there’ll be something if we need it.

Unscrewing the top, I bring it to my lips, swallowing down a few mouthfuls.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Thea walks in, her arms hugging her body as she takes wary steps inside. Her face is scrunched up, her eyes darting to every corner of the room. Her skinny knees knock together as she shivers. "Let's go to my house. My parents are working late."

I shake my head. "Come over here."

Her eyes widen, and she glances at the ground, then the couch. "I don't want to do it here. It's gross."

I sigh, disappointed in her. She flashes her ass to everyone in school but can't even get a little dust and dirt on her knees? Whatever.

I stand up. "I'll take you home, then."

"No, wait." She puts her hand up, shifting from foot to foot. Her eyes dart from me to the couch, to the ground, and back to the couch as she worries her lip. After too many minutes, she comes to some resolution, dropping her arms to her sides and shaking her hands out a bit. "Okay, I'm fine."

I sit back down, kicking my legs out and spreading them.

She slowly walks toward me, swaying her hips as she pulls out her high ponytail. "Fiona said there's a new girl. Have you met her?"

"I live with her."

She stops, her ponytail only halfway freed. It lobs to the side, a frown taking over her face as she stares at me. "What do you mean, she lives with you?" Her voice takes on a possessive tone, and I don't like it.

I lift an eyebrow. "I mean, she sleeps right down the hall from me."

She narrows her eyes.

"She takes showers in the same bathroom I do."

She curls her lip up, taking another step toward me.

It turns me on, her anger. It fuels me, and all I want to do is make her grow so furious she breaks.

Breaking people is my most favorite game of all.

My hand snaps out, and I grab her messy hair, pulling her the rest of the way until she falls into my lap. "Just last night, I grabbed her naked body in the shower, all full of soap. Her ass was round, fucking perky as hell. Maybe not as big as yours, but I'd still sink my teeth into it.” I smirk.