Here she is.

My hand goes to the metal handle, and I slowly pull it open. It barely squeaks, only slightly. I slip inside quietly and let the heavy door knock against my foot to silence it as it closes. I stand as quietly as I can as the smell of cigarettes instantly invades my nose.

My lip curls, a smile crosses my face.

I take a step forward, my shoes pressing against the floor so softly, so silently.

"Uh, hello?" Her voice rings out, unease and hesitation in her tone.

I take another step, not sure what my motives are, but the anger in my blood screams to be set free.

"Who's there?" she asks again. Her feet slam on the ground, and I imagine she was propped up against the back of the toilet. The tiny window on the top of the wall is cracked open, like that's going to lessen the heavy smell of cigarette in the slightest.


I take one more step, and I can smell her fear behind the stall. The metal is a faded gray, banged up and old as dirt. I know the small hinge on the other side barely hangs on. One heavy breath and the door will blow open.

"Quit fucking around. I'm taking a shit!" she shouts.

My foot lifts, and I kick the bottom of the door. The hinge cracks as the door swings open, slamming against the wall. Vera screams, her hands raising in the air. The cigarette poised between her fingers sits there, a trail of smoke swirling from the cherry.

"I imagine your shits smell more like death and less like a Marlboro Red."

She stands up straight when she notices it's me. Taking another drag, she blows it directly in my face. It makes my eyes dry up, and I inhale the smoke through my nose.

"What do you want?" she growls.

"You. Out of my town." I take a step into the stall, getting directly in her face. "You, out of my life." I snatch her wrist, her free hand without the cigarette. I pull it up to my neck, where she spit on my chest earlier. It's still there, dried, barely noticeable unless you put your finger on it. I smash the tips of her fingers against my neck, trailing it down the dried spit below my shirt. "Your spit has been lingering on my skin for hours. Do you know what it feels like, to have someone spit on you that you absolutely despise?" I press on the tip of her finger, until the nail scrapes my skin, just enough to incite pain. "You should be getting on your knees and praying to God that I let you live to see another day."

She leans into me, her fingers curling around the neck of my shirt. She pulls down, yanking me toward her. "I think it's you that needs to bend your knees, big brother, and hope you make it to the end of this game in one piece."

An intense burning hits the side of my neck, and my eyes widen in outrage when I see she's pressed the cherry of her cigarette against my skin. I bat her hand away, the cigarette flying from her fingers and landing on the ground.

"You bitch," I growl, grabbing her silky hair in my fingers and pulling her neck back as far as her body allows. Then I pull a little further. "You really have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?"

Spinning her around, I pin my front to her back. She stiffens when she feels my hard cock, but that only makes me push harder. "Don't worry, baby, this isn't for you. Pain turns me on."

My hand goes to her waist, and I bend her over, my hand curling into her stomach until her head suspends over the toilet. I should drown her in here, let her atone for her sins. Suspend her in the water of the Catholic school and hope it's holy enough to cleanse her.

"Stop," she barks at me. Her feet kick back in an attempt to shove me out of the way.

I laugh. "You'll never gain the upper hand, Vera."

She kicks me again, this time connecting with my shin. I swallow down a grunt, the heel of her boot hitting the bone. She brings her foot up to the toilet, pushing off as hard as she can. I shuffle back a few steps, off balance and caught off guard.

She spins around, her hair still in my hand. Her fingers raise to my cheek, and she claws at my face. "You son of a bitch. Let go of me!" she screams.

My hand falls to my pocket, and I pull out my switchblade, opening it and pressing the black metal against her jugular. The tip presses against her skin, and she freezes, her entire body coiled tight with tension and fear.

"I have to say, I'm surprised. I knew you liked to fight, but I didn't know you liked to play dirty," I rasp, my heart beating heavy and fast and my dick hard as a rock. I could bend her over the toilet and stain her skirt in my cum. Let her walk around and show everyone the type of girl I know she is.

Her hands raise in the air, ever so slowly. "Please, let me go. I don't want to play your games. I just want you to leave me alone."

"How can I leave you alone, when everywhere I turn, there you fucking are?" I press the tip in deeper, wanting so badly to draw blood.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and there stands Sister Mary and Sister Maxine, heavy lines of disapproval lining their eyes.

"What in the world is going on here?" Sister Mary asks, her eyes widening when she sees the state we're in.