A nun stands at the front of the class, her outfit the exact same as the woman in the office. She looks me up and down, a look of displeasure taking over her face as she observes my state of dress.

My eyes swing to the students, a mixture of guys and girls sitting in the small desks. The guys wear gray collared shirts with a black tie and black pants. The girls wear the same as I do, skirts, white shirts. But their shoes are nice. Either flats or shorter heels cover their feet.

They are so, so fucking ugly.

I grunt under my breath, wondering how I'll ever gain any allies here if they all dress like they're five steps away from being a nun themselves.

The teacher lifts her hand, wiggling her fingers for the piece of paper in my grasp. I take a step toward her, handing it to her. She glances at it briefly, looking back at my legs, my short skirt, and my shoes.

I think I'm going to dress like this every day, only because they seem so damn enthralled.

"Class, this is Vera Lowell." She turns her gaze toward mine. "You may take a seat in the back."

Thank you.

I grab the paper back from her, sliding in between the aisle of desks as I make my way toward the only empty one in the back of the room. I can feel the eyes of everyone as they stare at me. I can feel their curiosity, their wonder of why I'm here.

I slide into my desk, the silence in the room lingering on too long. I feel itchy, like the eyes of every single person are crawling over my body.

The silence stretches on a few more seconds, until the teacher starts her lesson again. I drown her out. My entire mind goes blank as I stare out the window and into the foggy trees. It feels like I'm in another dimension as I sit here.

Some place people go and never have the chance the leave again. A black hole that I’ve slipped into with no exit in sight.

I feel like I'll never find my way out.



The bell rings, and I'm out of my seat, ignoring the girls that want to cop a feel and the guys that want to ask where the next party’s at as I head to my locker. Felix already slouches against it, his finger scrolling through his phone.

I can feel Levi and Atticus walking behind me, and together we make our way into our small circle.

"How was it?" Atticus asks, leaning his shoulder against the locker next to mine. One of the guys in a grade lower than us walks toward the locker, and when he notices us, he stops, turns around, and walks the other way.

I glance away from him, opening up my locker and shoving my shit inside. I know he's talking about the new unwanted additions in my home. "Interesting."


"Okay? Interesting? Interesting how? Are they weird? Ugly? Rich? Poor?" Felix pockets his phone, glancing up at me with anticipation.

"It was interesting. She's a bitch, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of getting her out of town."

"Who. The fuck. Is that?" Levi asks, not paying attention to a word I'm saying. I follow his eyes, landing directly on my new stepsister.

I snarl, "That's her."

"That's who?" Levi's voice is coated in lust, and for the life of me, I don't understand why I want to jab my pen into his eyes.

"My new roommate. No, my new fucking stepsister."

"What?" All three of them burst out at the same time.

I sigh. "My dad, and her mom," I seethe as I nod toward her with a scowl, "got married last month. Already a done deal."

"I cannot fucking believe I'm saying this, but I have the hots for your sister," Atticus grunts.

I slam my locker closed. "She's not my fucking sister."