Felix looks at me. "Malik doesn't want to go home."

Atticus smiles. "We could fuck with her."

I show my teeth, a vicious smile covering my face. "I've already thought about it."

Levi lifts a dark eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet." I run my palm along my jaw, thinking of all the ways I can run the little bitch out of town. What is she like? Is she sweet or sassy? Is she tall or short? Thick or thin? Does she kneel beside her bed at night and pray to God? Or does she slide between her sheets as she worships the devil?

"We could drug her, shave her head. That'll have her running." Atticus rubs his hands together, the thought of pranking again making his heart race. I know it. I can hear it.

He loves the pranks. No, we all love the fucking pranks.

I shrug, feeling like that's something we would've done three years ago. We're more extreme now.

"We could bury her alive in the old cemetery like we did to that one guy the other year," Felix mumbles beside me.

Levi laughs darkly. "Or if he's still there, we could bury her with the guy."

I chuckle, always curious if he ever made it out or if we committed a murder.

"I'll have to see what kind of girl we're playing with before we decide our game." I press against the cushion of the couch, hearing it crunch as I shove myself up to stand. The floral-patterned sofa has seen better days.

Fifty years ago.

Walking to the window, I watch as the rain finally lets up. "Either she'll bow down at the first sign of weakness, or she'll put up a fight and we'll have a real game to play."

We're all silent, listening to the rain hit the crumbling roof. Droplets of water start seeping from the ceiling, making their way around us. The strong smell of rain mixed with wet wood invades my senses, and I take a deep inhale, the cool air slapping against my skin.

I know each one of them has the same thoughts as I do.

I hope she plays the game, and I hope she plays it well.




I shoot up in bed, momentarily disoriented as I look around.

Where the hell am I?

"Vera? I brought you some food." I blink up at my mom, seeing her standing there, changed into leggings and a tank top that accentuates her chest. I frown at her, wondering why she’s trying to look so fucking attractive. Doesn’t the guy already like her? Why is she trying so hard?

She points to my bedside table, and I look over, seeing a matte black plate with a cover on top. My bottles of medicine sit beside it, and I sigh, wishing she’d just leave me alone. Quit acting like she actually cares.

"I'm not hungry."

She frowns, her hand reaching out to clutch my bare knee. I glance at her red nails, anger and animosity building in me for no legit reason. I’m just angry, and her staring at me and trying to be a parent is only making it worse.

"You should really try and eat something, and you need to take your medicine. It's been a long day."

“I’ve been timing my own medicine for two years. Don’t try to pretend like I’m incompetent now.”

She’s silent for a moment. “I just worry about you.”

I keep my eyes averted because her concern feels fake. Maybe I’m wrong and am being a complete bitch, but if I were to be honest with myself right now, her absence these last two years has only shown me how little she cares.