He makes me have second thoughts, and that only puts a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Our toxicity is what makes us perfect. You couldn't handle boring. You like my rage, and I like your chaos." The whites from his eyes have faded, and the true Malik stares at me now, though I can feel the true evil lingering just below the surface, ready to break through at any moment.

"I wantyou, Malik. I don't want him," I whisper, my eyes beginning to burn. I just want a normal life, and if that's here, in Castle Pointe, I don't want it to be with whatever it is that lives inside Malik.

"Malik, you aren't going anywhere!" Samuel barks at him. "Everyone, move to the library, we can do it there."

"Vera," Malik barks, pulling on my arm. "Come with me."

I look between everyone, my eyes ending on Malik. I feel pulled in so many directions, but at the end of the day, I know which one is the right one. "No, Malik. You come with me. Let me help you get better." I say the words softly, hopeful he'll break down his walls, if only for a moment.

It does the opposite.

The darkness fades in his eyes, and the whites shine full force.

"Malik—" His dad steps toward him, and Malik raises his hand, his dad once again flying into the air and across the room. This time, my mom screams, and he raises his other hand, my mom flying into the stools next to the island. They knock over, and my mom crashes into the middle of them.

Oh, fuck no.

"Malik!" I bark. "What the fuck!"

He glares at me, his eyes white and somehow more menacing than they've ever been before. Whiter. Deadlier.

My breath becomes stuck in my throat, and I watch as the priest pulls a cross from his pocket, holding it out in front of him.

Malik doesn't even turn to him. His hand raises, and the cross flings straight into the air, and becomes lodged into the ceiling.

Upside down.

"A fucking cross does nothing for me, you fucking shit." He whips his gaze toward the priest. "If I go to hell, I will take you with me. Delectamentum vita tua erunt.”

His fingers curl, and the front door swings open. He flicks his wrist, and the priest swings around, flying backward and out the door.

The door slams shut.

"Look at me, Vera," Malik orders. I glance up at him, watching as his teeth bare, his eyes growing venomous, and his body becoming taut with rage. "Come with me, Vera.Now."

I can barely breathe. I want him. I want him so badly I could fall to the ground and weep. I want to be with him every day and every night. I want him to consume me like he always does, and I want to fall deep into the darkness that is Malik.

But I don't want him to be my ruin. And how he is exactly that at the moment; he will completely obliterate me.

"I'm sorry," I gasp. "I can't."

He snarls at me, complete hatred spitting from between his teeth. "I hope you rot in this town with all the spirits in this place. I hope they drag you down and rip your pretend heart from your fucking chest."

A tear leaks from my eyes, and I don't wipe it away.

"I hate you," I whisper. A lie. A terrible lie, but one I feel, if only for the moment.

He doesn't respond. He barely spares me a glance. He pushes by me, the scent of smoke and forest slapping me in the face as he storms through the back door. He leaves it opened, and the cool breeze flows in, washing goosebumps over my skin.

"Vera," my mom whimpers.

I snap out of my trance, glancing over and seeing her still on her back, her limbs tied between the wooden legs of the stools. I rush over to her, helping her off the ground. Her arms shake—no—her entire body trembles like she's having a seizure.

"What happened? What's… what's wrong with him?"

I shake my head. "It's so complicated, Mom."