"Dude. Look at this." I can hear Atticus's voice and can barely lift my head to look at what he sees.

My eyes widen.

The cross on the wall sits upside down, cemented in place. I knew it. From the last time I was in here, I knew there was an upside down cross on the wall. But seeing it in person, in the light of day, makes it entirely more frightening then feeling it in the pitch blackness.

All around the back wall are claw marks. Is that…?

That's a fingernail.

I roll over, my stomach heaving, though nothing comes out.

"Shit. Get her out of here." Felix pulls me by the arms, sliding me across the floor until my back hits the tiled floor of the hallway.

Blaire kicks the door closed; her eyes traumatized by the sight of the room.

I stare up at the ceiling, my heart racing and pounding in my ears.

"You okay?" Hazel kneels down beside me, her hand going to my shoulder, then flinching away as she gasps. "What the hell is that on your neck?"

I bring my hand up, wincing when my fingers touch the skin. "I don't know. It felt like I was burned."

Levi snatches my hand away, crouching down beside Hazel. "You weren't burned. You were bitten. Who the hell did this to you? Was it Malik?"

I shake my head, the headache growing fiercer by the second.

Wait, Malik.

"Where's Malik?" I sit up, my eyesight growing hazy for a moment. "Is he okay?"

"Did he do that to you, Vera?" Blaire points her finger at my neck, anger screwing up her lips.

"No." I shake my head, rolling over to stand. "He was… scared, I think. Really freaked out."

Levi stares at Felix. "It had to have been him."

The way they look at each other puts me on edge. "What do you mean, it had to have been him? What are you talking about?"

"You don't know? How long have you been in there?" Piper asks.

I shrug. "It feels like I've been in there for weeks."

"Vera, that's impossible. We were with you earlier today." Blaire frowns at me, and I frown back. Confused.

"Wait, what? How is that possible? I literally feel like I've been in there forever. Days have passed. No, weeks."

Piper shakes her head. "No, it wasn't."

I let out a shaky breath. It’s impossible, but more important things need to be dealt with. "Where's Malik? He needed my help when I was thrown in The Room of Atonement."

Atticus shakes his head. "You really don't know what happened?"

I shake my head, sensing the seriousness in his tone. Then worry hits me, terror that something happened to Malik. That he's hurt, or worse…

"Where is he? Is he okay?" My voice edges on hysteria. I take off, heading toward the front door when Levi wraps his fingers around my wrist.

"No. I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since earlier, and I wasn't even able to talk to him."

"Then what?" I lash out, anger and worry hitting me. Severely.