I couldn't hold my bladder, and I had to squat in the corner to relieve myself.

Will I ever be released from this hell?

I can't take it anymore, but my relentless pounding on the door has gotten me nowhere. Maybe it wasn't the door at all. Maybe it was the back wall, where nothing sits on the other side. I can't tell which way is which in here.

"Go to fucking hell!" I scream.

Sharp pain hits me in the side of the neck, like someone put a match against my skin and let it burn until the wick burns out. A shriek falls from my lips.

Whatever pinned me against the ground falls away, and I curl into a ball, my hand going to my neck. I instantly feel blood.

"Ow," I cry. I'm strong. I know I'm strong, but this place, it will make anyone shatter. It'll tear you apart piece by piece until you can barely remember who you are.

"Just kill me," I whine, shuffling to a corner and curling into a ball. Blood wets my hands, and I rub my fingers together, curling them underneath my cheek as I lay against the wall. Maybe death will take me if I sleep.

No one will remember me, anyway.

At the end of the day, all we leave in the world are our bones. No reminders of ourselves, because what are we leaving? Nothing. My mom will forget about me.

Samuel doesn’t care.

Malik… Malik will be happy. Whatever is left of him, at least.

I drift in and out of sleep. I'm not sure how much time passes, but the urge to go to the bathroom again stopped long ago. My mouth is parched, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. My eyes have dried up, whatever fluids left in my body must be conserving itself.

The voices are gone. The frosty air has returned to the cool dankness of the school.

My eyes fly open at the sound of pounding. Sitting up, I inch toward the voices.

Familiar voices.

"Vera! Are you in here?" Hazel screams.

"Yes! Yes, I'm in here! Help me! Please, help me!" I cry, feeling like this may not be the end of me, after all.

"Shit! She's in there. Get something! Get something to open the door!" Blaire's voice barks out, and tears flood my eyes. I bat them away, the ache against my neck thumping so heavily a headache is forming between my eyes.

"Vera." My name is whispered from over my shoulder, and my shoulders hitch up to my ears. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and turn my head to glance behind me.

A face glares at me, illuminated in a low light, all bones and decayed skin. Burnt and aged with a thick, long worm crawling out of its eye socket. Its jaw sits unhinged, the old teeth rotted away and blackened. There is one eye in the other socket, and it glares at me, black and bloodshot, and so, so fucking evil.

I scream at the top of my lungs, and the bony hands reach out and grab me, pulling me back until I fall to the ground. It reaches for my bare ankles, right above my boots, and starts pulling me toward the back of the room.

My fingers dig into the frayed, rough carpet, but it's so worn I can't get a grip. It doesn't stop me trying, though, and I squeeze so hard as the thing pulls me backward that my nail snaps in half.

"FUCKING HELP ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Someone help her!" Hazel's voice screams from the other side.

I hear thumping as I'm pulled into the pitch darkness, every inch I'm pulled backward, more and more hands grab at my body. I can feel old and new hands, grappling at my skin. Boney fingers, thick fingers, thin fingers. Sharp nails and fingertips that feel like they're wet with blood. They pull me away from the door.

Away from my only salvation.

One more boom sounds, and the door swings open, my three friends standing there with Malik's friends standing behind them. Their eyes are wide and horrified as they stare at me. I glance over my shoulder and see so many bodies, partly transparent and all equally frightening and decrepit, pulling me into the wall.

Their mouths drop open and their teeth chomp at me, like they’re hungry for me. Hungry for my soul. They so desperately try to grab for me and pull me into the depths of their hell. Their dirty, browned fingers reaching for my bared skin.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Levi shouts, opening a vial and splashing water across my body. The fingers drop, and my limbs fall to the floor in exhaustion.