I wanted her pain. I wanted to see her suffer. And maybe, on some level, I still want those things. But I want so much more at this point.

I want so much more from Vera.

I grab a piece of paper from my desk, scribbling down some notes as Sister Mora discusses her lessons for the day. I write as quickly as I can, my small, illegible scrawl scratching across the lined white paper. Hopefully by the time I get through all this, I won’t be so far behind in school.

Narrowing my eyes, I watch the pen move, words I can’t read being written instead of what's in my thoughts.

Omnes interficere. Et illorum sanguinem super animabus suis effundet festum.

My vision starts to darken, and I drop my pen, gripping the edge of the desk as realization hits me of what's about to happen.

No. I refuse to lose myself for another length of time. I can't keep fading into the darkness and letting this thing take me.

I won't let it.

Shoving up from my desk, I gain the attention of everyone in the room. Most of them look at me with hesitation. I glare at each of them, a sneer covering my face.

"Malik, is something the matter?" Sister Mora asks worriedly from the front of the room.

I don't answer her, whatever sits inside me makes it impossible to form the words on my tongue. I even open my mouth, tasting the bitterness of the words, but nothing comes out.

With a growl, I grab everything from my desk and stomp out of the room, ignoring the pleas and complaints of Sister Mora barking my way.

I drop everything in a waste bin and stomp down the hall, only one destination in mind.

I need to talk to Vera.

I walk to the other end of the hall, seeing her sitting in Sister Marjorie's class through the small window attached to the door. I don't knock, and it's like she can sense me watching her. Her eyes lift from her textbook and lock with mine, widening for a moment before turning leery.

Opening the door, I listen to the aged wood creak. Stomping through the aisle, an entire set of students glance up, laying their eyes on me. I don't pay attention to them, my only focus is Vera, and Vera alone.

"Get up," I growl.

Her eyes widen. "Malik, what're you doing here? Is everything okay?"

No, everything is not okay. I can feel the darkness seeping into me, and I know I have barely any time left before I lose myself again.

"Vera, move," I bark at her.

She looks at Sister Marjorie, who stares at me with trepidation.

Vera doesn't say anything, just stares at me with her wide, glistening eyes.

The darkness settles into my skin, and I can feel myself turn cold. Reaching out, I secure my fingers on the back of Vera's neck and lift her from her desk, sliding her across the aisle and out of the classroom.

"Malik! Mr. Myers!"

I ignore her, kicking the door shut behind me. It slams so hard the glass shakes. I walk across the hall and slam Vera against the lockers. It echoes in the large, empty hallway, and the sound of Vera whimpering slithers into my gut.

"I need you to fix this. Fix whatever the hell you did to me."

"I didn't do anything," she whimpers. My palm presses against her chest, right between her breasts. I can feel her fake heart beating a million miles a minute against my hand.

My palm slaps against the gray locker, the metal ricocheting against the hinges. "Fix this. Fix. Me!" I roar, slapping at the locker again.

"I don't know how!" she cries out, tears springing to her eyes and flooding down her cheeks. "I want to help you so much, but I don't fucking know how!"

A flash of brown slips through my vision, and Vera cries out, bringing her hand to her chest and cupping it with her other hand. "Ow!"