I would never confront him about this, because I’m sure he’d just laugh in my face and call me pathetic, but now I certainly can’t. Whatever happened to him inside the house… with the white eyes, the voice that wasn't at all his. What was that? Whatever it was, it wasn't Malik.

The thought brings a shiver through my spine.

My eyes shift to Malik's as we pull into the parking lot. His uniform slacks are perfectly tailored to his trim body. His gray shirt molds to his form. He's a fucking enigma. He goes against the grain.

I thought when I came here that I'd be walking into a school with a ton of goody two-shoes. Catholic pupils that care of nothing except doing right by God.

I had it all backward.

This school—this entire town—is so incredibly corrupt. These people do not worship a god. If anything, I would think that this town bows down to the devil.

I look away from Malik as he starts to turn his gaze toward mine.

I think Malik may be the devil.

Pounding on the window startles me from my thoughts. I glance up, seeing Malik's friends at his window, their eyes shifting from Malik and back to me. Malik turns off the car, stepping out and opening the back door to grab his backpack. "Get the fuck out of my car," he utters, slamming the door shut so hard the car rocks.

I flip him off, but his back is already turned as he walks off with his friends. "Fucking dick," I mumble, lifting my backpack and sliding from the car. Shutting the door, I look up at the school. The creepy-ass cross sitting on top of the monstrosity of a castle. It sits on the edge of a cliff, like a lighthouse should be. But instead, it's a Catholic church.

It's just… weird.

"Vera." Hazel's voice makes my eyes snap across the parking lot. Piper and Blaire stand next to her as they all lean up against Hazel's car.

A light drizzle starts, and I hop over a puddle as I walk across the parking lot. "Hey," I say once I reach them.

They stare at me, sympathy and understanding in their faces.

They told me I wouldn't be able to leave. I should have listened to them instead of wasting the entire day walking through the forest.

"Well, I didn't get out." I shrug my shoulders, not sure what else to say.

Hazel winces. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be here."

I step toward them. "It's not that I don't like you guys. You guys are awesome. Seriously. You’re, like, the only people that've talked to me nicely in this fucking place. It's just… it's not home, you know? It's weird here."

Hazel laughs. "It's funny. Because this place is weird, but I have lived here my entire life. I don't know anything else."

I frown. "I'm sorry. Have you ever been out of here?"

She looks into the distance, over the water of the dark Superior. It's a miniature ocean. Only water as far as the eye can see. "Yeah. We've been to Wisconsin for vacation and stuff. It's… bright. Other places are just so sunny and bright. This is just what I'm used to."

I nod, understanding, even if I don't completely. This might be home for her, just as Fargo is for me. But to only be used to a place as dark and depressing as this place is, it's just odd.

The dong of the bell rings, but it's different than it usually is. My face wrinkles, and I look over at the girls. "What the hell is that?"

"Mass today. Come on," Blaire says. They lift their bags from the hood of the car, and we start walking toward the entrance.

"Mass? Like church?"

They nod.

"What if I don't want to go?" After yesterday, I really just need some normalcy. As un-normal as this place is, I just wanted to sit in the back of a classroom and wait for the day to be over.

Piper looks back at me. "The Room of Atonement."

I blink, my insides jumping at the thought of going back in there. I'll do almost anything to avoid going back in there. I refuse.

The scent of aged pews and old paper is extra strong today as we enter the school. The hallway is mostly empty, the remaining students walking toward the prayer room, or the nave, as I've heard some of the sisters call it.