The Jhag had collected his own weapons. 'It seems our journey to find Tremorlor shall have to wait a while longer,' he said, shrugging. 'Apsalar has set off in pursuit of her father.'
'And thus will be led to the place where Sha'ik's body awaits.'
'We are to go after her,' Icarium said. 'Perhaps we can circumvent Iskaral Pust's intentions.'
'Not just Pust, it seems, but the Whirlwind goddess – who may well have shaped this from the very start.'
The Jhag frowned.
Mappo sighed again. 'Think on it, friend. Sha'ik was anointed as the Seeress of the Apocalypse almost as soon as she was born. Forty or more years in Raraku, preparing for this year ... Raraku is not a kind place, and four decades will wear down even a chosen one. Perhaps preparation was all the Seeress was meant to achieve – the war itself requires new blood.'
'Yet did not the soldier say that Cotillion's relinquishing of the lass was forced upon him by the threat of Anomander Rake? The possession was meant to last much longer, taking the lass ever closer to the Empress herself...'
'So everyone assumes,' Mappo said. 'Iskaral Pust is a High Priest of Shadow. I think it best to assume that no matter how devious Pust is, Shadowthrone and Cotillion are more devious. By far. A truly possessed Apsalar would never get close to Laseen – the Claws would sniff it out, not to mention the Adjunct and her Otataral sword. But an Apsalar no longer possessed ... well. .. and Cotillion's made sure she's not just a simple fishergirl any more, hasn't he?'
'A scheme within a scheme. Have you discussed this with Fiddler?'
Mappo shook his head. 'I may be wrong. It may be that the Rulers of Shadow simply saw an opportunity here, a means to take advantage of the convergence – the dagger is honed, then slipped in amidst the tumult. I have been wondering why Apsalar's memories are returning so swiftly . .. and so painlessly.'
'And we have no role in this?'
'That I do not know.'
'Apsalar becomes Sha'ik. Sha'ik defeats the Malazan armies, liberates the Seven Cities. Laseen, forced to take charge herself, arrives with an army to reconquer the unruly citizens of this land.'
'Armed with Cotillion's skill and knowledge, Sha'ik kills Laseen. End of Empire—'
'End?' Icarium's brows rose. 'More likely a new Emperor or Empress with Shadow the patron gods ...'
Mappo grunted. 'A worrying thought.'
br />
The Jhag had collected his own weapons. 'It seems our journey to find Tremorlor shall have to wait a while longer,' he said, shrugging. 'Apsalar has set off in pursuit of her father.'
'And thus will be led to the place where Sha'ik's body awaits.'
'We are to go after her,' Icarium said. 'Perhaps we can circumvent Iskaral Pust's intentions.'
'Not just Pust, it seems, but the Whirlwind goddess – who may well have shaped this from the very start.'
The Jhag frowned.
Mappo sighed again. 'Think on it, friend. Sha'ik was anointed as the Seeress of the Apocalypse almost as soon as she was born. Forty or more years in Raraku, preparing for this year ... Raraku is not a kind place, and four decades will wear down even a chosen one. Perhaps preparation was all the Seeress was meant to achieve – the war itself requires new blood.'
'Yet did not the soldier say that Cotillion's relinquishing of the lass was forced upon him by the threat of Anomander Rake? The possession was meant to last much longer, taking the lass ever closer to the Empress herself...'
'So everyone assumes,' Mappo said. 'Iskaral Pust is a High Priest of Shadow. I think it best to assume that no matter how devious Pust is, Shadowthrone and Cotillion are more devious. By far. A truly possessed Apsalar would never get close to Laseen – the Claws would sniff it out, not to mention the Adjunct and her Otataral sword. But an Apsalar no longer possessed ... well. .. and Cotillion's made sure she's not just a simple fishergirl any more, hasn't he?'
'A scheme within a scheme. Have you discussed this with Fiddler?'
Mappo shook his head. 'I may be wrong. It may be that the Rulers of Shadow simply saw an opportunity here, a means to take advantage of the convergence – the dagger is honed, then slipped in amidst the tumult. I have been wondering why Apsalar's memories are returning so swiftly . .. and so painlessly.'
'And we have no role in this?'
'That I do not know.'
'Apsalar becomes Sha'ik. Sha'ik defeats the Malazan armies, liberates the Seven Cities. Laseen, forced to take charge herself, arrives with an army to reconquer the unruly citizens of this land.'
'Armed with Cotillion's skill and knowledge, Sha'ik kills Laseen. End of Empire—'
'End?' Icarium's brows rose. 'More likely a new Emperor or Empress with Shadow the patron gods ...'
Mappo grunted. 'A worrying thought.'
The Trell scowled. 'I had a sudden vision of Emperor Iskaral Pust...' He shook himself, lifted the sack and swung it over a shoulder. 'For the moment, I think it best we keep this conversation to ourselves, friend.'
Icarium nodded. He hesitated, then said, 'I have one question, Mappo.'
'I feel closer to discovering ... who I am ... than ever before. Tremorlor is said to be time-aspected—'
'Aye, so it's said, though what that means is anyone's guess.'
'Answers, I believe. For me. For my life.'
'What do you ask, Icarium?'
'Should I discover my past, Mappo, how will that change me?'
'You are asking me? Why?'
Icarium's gaze was half-lidded as he smiled at Mappo. 'Because, friend, within you reside my memories – none of which you are prepared to reveal.'
And so we come to this point . . . again. 'Who you are, Icarium, is not dependent on me, nor on my memories. What value would it be to seek to become my version of you? I accompany you, friend, in your quest. If the truth – if your truth – is to be found, then you shall find it.'
Icarium was nodding, past echoes of this conversation returning to him – but little else, by the Ancients, little else, please – 'Yet something tells me that you, Mappo, are a part of that hidden truth.'
Ice filled the Trell's heart. He's not taken it that far before – is Tremorlor's proximity nudging open the locked gate? 'Then, when the time comes, you shall face a decision.'
'I think I shall.'
They studied each other, their eyes searching the altered reflection before them, one set plagued with innocent questing, the other disguising devastating knowledge. And between us, hanging in the balance, a friendship neither understands.
Icarium reached out and clasped Mappo's shoulder. 'We should join the others.'
Fiddler sat astride the Gral gelding as they waited at the base of the cliff. Bhok'arala scampered along the temple face, squealing and barking as they struggled with the lowering of the mule packs and assorted supplies. One had got its tail snagged in the rope and screamed pitifully as it slowly descended with the gear. Iskaral Pust hung half out of the tower window, throwing rocks at the hapless creature – none of which came close.