Just seconds ago, I was digging a little pain with my pleasure, but I immediately fall head over heels for this woman with the sweet touch of her lips on mine while she tenderly rubs a thumb over the head of my cock.

Lifting up, Abby gazes down at me with dreamy eyes. “Lie back and enjoy, baby.”

She starts to shift downward, and I know her intent is to put that hot, wet mouth on me. But my hand snakes out and curls around her neck to hold her in place for a second.

Our eyes lock.

“I need you to know I’m fucking crazy about you, Abby.”

Her eyes soften, and she tilts her head curiously.

“I just needed to say that now, because words to that effect are bound to come babbling out of me if you put your lips anywhere near my dick. And, well… I just want you to know I mean it, whether you’re touching me or not.”

Abby’s smile splits wide and her eyes sparkle. “That might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me in my life.”

She again moves to slink away, her eyes going to my erection now throbbing in her hand.

I grip her neck a little tighter, holding her in place. Her attention comes back to me. “I’m serious. I’m utterly fucking mad for you. Just being near you makes my heart slam inside my chest, and the smell of your shampoo makes me hard, and the sound of your voice causes me to shiver with excitement.”

I don’t have time for regrets as Abby scrambles up my chest and kisses me. Deep and slow, but then she puts her lips to the corner of my mouth. Then my cheek. My temple.

She lifts her head. “I’m fucking crazy about you too. My world changed for the better the day I met you.”

Our eyes lock, and we just stare at each other. The moment feels heavy, but not in a bad way. Like in a weighted blanket of comfort way.

She’s the one who breaks the spell. “Now… if you don’t mind… I’d really like to make you come with my mouth.”

My head flops back onto the pillow with a curse.

I’m pretty sure she’s going to kill me.

At the first touch of her tongue along the underside of my cock, I think that if she’s going to kill me, this is absolutely the way to go.


I walk into the kitchen to find Abby at the stove, flipping bacon in a skillet. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts that swamps her body. Her hair is an absolute mess, mainly because my fingers were gripping onto it half an hour ago while she gave me the best fucking blow job I’ve ever had.

I think I’m recharged enough that it’s worth putting the bacon on hold to bend her over the kitchen table and—

My doorbell rings, and Abby twists to look over her shoulder. She sees me and smiles.

I smile back… a little too goofily.

I throw my thumb over my shoulder. “Better go answer that.”

“Whoever it is, we only have enough bacon for me, you, and Bubba, so don’t invite them in for breakfast.”

“Got it,” I reply as I move to the door. Bubba follows along. I never deter him because while he wouldn’t be aggressive with a stranger at first meeting, it’s nice for any newcomer to see a dog beside me that looks like he could rip out a throat.

Given that I don’t trust Hellman not to have figured out who I am or where I live, I definitely want Bubba at my side.

I’m adequately dressed in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, so I don’t hesitate to open the door.

I’m stunned to see Adriana there. She smiles, but then her eyes drop to Bubba and she pushes inside.

His tail wags furiously as she drops to her knees, giving him the baby talk he loves. Whatever our failures as a couple, she was good to Bubba, and he loves her.

“Oh, look at my big brown fur bear monster,” she coos as she wraps her arms around his neck for a hug, then rubs his ears. Bubba’s eyes practically roll into the back of his head with pleasure.

Still scratching my dog, Adriana tips her head to look at me. “Hello, Kellen.”

She’s a beautiful woman… all sunny-blond hair, golden, tanned skin, slamming body.

None of that matters because I’m immediately irritated that she’s here. That she would dare show up at my house unannounced and walk in like she—

Fuck… Abby.

My eyes dart to the kitchen, and I see Abby watching cautiously while still at the stove. She’s got a pair of tongs in hand, and I’m not sure if they’re to flip bacon or snap at Adriana.

By the look on her face, I’m thinking the latter.

I’ll quell that look in Abby’s eyes later, but for now, I turn my attention back to the interloper. “What are you doing here, Adriana?”