In addition to the luncheon today, Ladd and I will be escorting the congressman to a black-tie gala tonight, then the job is done.

Of course, this particular assignment wasn’t given to me. I volunteered after turning down an opportunity to work a black ops mission running out of our embassy in Turkey. We were going to be joining forces with a Navy SEAL team to facilitate a hostage exchange.

Under ordinary circumstances, I would’ve jumped at that job. But with Abby a part of my life now, and since Hellman has proven to be a psychopath who’s willing to kill innocent animals, I’m afraid to go too far away. Bebe has assured me she’s working as hard as she can to follow money trails, and she even sent me an encouraging text this morning that she was “on to something.”

We’ll see.

I step from the private dining room to stand just outside the doorway. If someone wanted to rush in and attack the congressman, they’d have to get through me. But the only thing set out before me are tables of lunch patrons chatting amiably as they eat.

I pull my phone from my breast pocket for a quick look at my texts. And yes, I’m looking to see if Abby sent anything. We’ve consistently texted every day when we’re not together. Sometimes they’re funny quips, sometimes they’re dirty, and other times, it’s sweet.

My favorites are notes along the lines of Just thinking of you, or Hope you’re having a great day.

The tripping of my heart when I see Abby has indeed messaged should be all the indication I need that I’m falling hard for this girl. I grin as I start to read, but the smile slides right off my face.

I don’t want you to worry, but Levi Hellman came into the clinic today. He took Princess. I couldn’t stop him. I’m fine and I’ve not called the police since she’s technically his dog. I’ll fill you in later when you can talk.

Rage builds inside me that Hellman would do something so bold when I warned him to stay away. It was ballsy, given the clear evidence that we’ve added security cameras, but he obviously didn’t care.

That’s how sure he was of himself that Abby wouldn’t call the police.

“Fuck,” I mutter, leaning right and looking into the room. Ladd’s gaze comes to mine, and I hold up my phone, indicating I need to make a call and then flash him five fingers—I need five minutes.

He gives me a thumbs-up, and I step away from the private dining hall into an alcove. I can still see the doorway but have a bit of privacy.

I dial Abby, and there’s surprise in her voice when she answers. “Why are you calling? Aren’t you working?”

“I’m on a break, but you didn’t think I’d call when I got your text?”

She sighs. “I really didn’t want to bother you. I’m fine.”

But that right there… I hear something in her tone. A slight crack in the confidence. “Abby… what’s wrong? Did he do something?”

“Yeah, he took Princess, and I couldn’t stop it.” Her voice quavers. “I’m upset she’s back in that hellhole and I can’t get her out. I love that dog. But otherwise, I’m fine. You’ll be back tomorrow morning, and we can discuss it, but there’s really nothing you can do. Princess isn’t yours.”

“Ours,” I correct her.

“Ours,” she whispers back. “Please… go back to work. Don’t worry about me.”

“Okay.” My tone is breezy and accepting. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”

We disconnect, and I immediately call Kynan. No fucking way am I accepting what she told me. She’s more than just upset about Princess—she’s shaken up about something else.

Kynan answers, and I need to make this as succinct as possible. “I’m seeing a woman—her name is Abby—she’s a local vet.”

“So I’ve heard. You need to bring her to the next get-together.”

“I will. But she’s gotten herself into a bit of trouble, and I need to get back sooner rather than later. I think Ladd can handle this assignment—”

“We’ve been paid for two agents, and two agents is what they’ll get. However, tell me what the trouble is, and I’ll help you figure it out.”

I don’t have much time, so I lay it out straight. I tell him about meeting Abby and Hellman, about me taking Princess, stopping Abby from sneaking back onto Hellman’s property to take more dogs and getting shot at, and the barn fire.

“That’s why you needed a recommendation for barn repairs?” he asks.

“Yeah… but I thought it was over. I went out to his place, and I impressed upon him it’s in his best personal interest to stay away from Abby.”

“Did you draw blood?”


Kynan curses and asks more questions, focusing on how this hasn’t made it to the police yet.

“Abby stole Princess, and he shot at us. We both stand to get in trouble, so the police aren’t an option, especially since Abby has an arrest.”