But Abby’s are born of sorrow and shame, and I could never disregard those emotions from her. So I hovered while they talked, and as soon as they were done, I took her into the shower. It was tight and cramped, but I helped her wash the smoke and soot from her body as well as mine. I washed her hair and massaged her scalp, careful of her bruised shoulder. I dried her off, and even though I didn’t do the greatest job, she let me take a hair dryer to style her short locks so she could relax and crawl into bed.

That’s when I called Dr. Schoen and told her about the fire. As with the police, I didn’t tell her about Hellman or the feud Abby has picked with him. That’s not up to me, and while I hate that it caused destruction of property for Dr. Schoen, I’ll protect Abby where I can. I don’t want her to lose her job when she’s so regretful, and I sure as hell don’t want anything to ruin the plans for Abby to buy the practice.

However, if Abby wants to come clean to Dr. Schoen, I’ll stand by her side and help her pick up the chips wherever they fall.

“I’ll have the insurance adjuster contact you when he’s on his way,” LeAnne says. She’s currently in Austria traveling with her man friend and it’s nearing nine p.m. there. This is the third time today we’ve talked, and I’ve encouraged her to stay on her trip. The horses are safe, Abby’s safe, and I can coordinate everything with the barn.

“I’ve got a call into a few general contractors so we can get repairs started.” I open the bedroom door and glance in at Abby. She’s sound asleep, and I can’t help but smile as I see both Princess and Bubba on the bed with her. Princess, I’m not surprised, but Bubba never gets on the bed. He either senses she needs it or she invited him up and made him a very bad boy.

“You tell Abby to take care of herself. I’ve got the clinic covered with friends in the area who will split shifts the next few days. Christy will reschedule all nonessential surgeries, so it will be fine. I don’t want Abby rushing back.”

“I agree she needs to rest, but we both know she’ll be back at it as soon as she can. I’m sure she’ll go over tomorrow and make a general nuisance of herself.”

There’s a long pause and then LeAnne says, “I’m really glad Abby has you, Kellen. You’re taking such good care of her.”

Oh, I’m just getting started, I want to say, but I keep that to myself. If Dr. Schoen knew all the ways I intended to take care of Abby, she’d question my sanity.

We chat a few more minutes, mostly about the horses. The same neighbor who helped round them up last night is handling their care. I was worried about them not having the barn, but both Abby and Dr. Schoen assured me they’re fine staying in the pasture with the small run-in shelter available if they need it. I have no clue what that means, but I’ll trust the experts.

With everything managed with Dr. Schoen, I tiptoe into the bedroom. Bubba lifts his head, looks slightly guilty, but then lowers it again. His eyes follow me as I move to Abby.

I touch her forearm, giving it a stroke. “Abby.”

Her eyes flutter open, and she looks at me, bleary, as she tries to sit up. My hand moves to her chest. “No, don’t move. I just wanted to let you know I’m running to the grocery store. I’ll be back soon.”

“What time is it?” she asks.

“Just past three.”

She pushes up despite my hand on her chest, and I let it fall away. I sit on the edge of the bed as she rubs a hand over her face. “I slept all day.”

“I’d say you needed it.”

“Horses okay?”

“All is fine. I’ve talked to Dr. Schoen a few times about her insurance so we can get underway with repairs. She wants you to rest a few days and—”

“I’m fine,” Abby says, sitting straighter but wincing as she rotates her shoulder. “Maybe a few ibuprofen.”

“I’ll get them for you.”

“I can get them,” she says, trying to swing her legs out of bed, but I’m in the way.

I grin. “You don’t like people taking care of you.”

“Not true,” she insists. “I like you pampering me just fine. But I also like doing for myself.”

“Stubborn,” I mutter as I lean in for a fast kiss.

My intent is to pull away, but her hands come to my cheeks and she holds me there. Not to deepen the kiss, but to lengthen the chaste contact. “Thank you,” she says, the words softly tickling my lips. “For everything.”