I felt better after, and then I could acknowledge that his job was incredibly hot and sexy, and I told him as much.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Kellen asks as he pulls his car beside the stairs that lead to my small apartment. He glances in his rearview mirror into the back seat where Bubba and Princess sit with happy doggie grins, tongues lolling from their mouths.

His gaze comes to me as he puts the car in park.

“In what world would it not be okay for you to bring dogs to my apartment? I’m a veterinarian. I love all animals. And I’m pretty partial to these two.”

“Just making sure,” he drawls with a chuckle and turns off the car.

While I was able to leave for a few hours for dinner, I do have to administer medications overnight and check one of the dogs that had surgery yesterday. So we picked Bubba and Princess up on the way home—this will be an adventure for them.

Kellen undoes his seat belt and turns to look back at them. “Okay… listen up, pups. I’m going to take you both on a short walk around the yard to do your business. My hot date here”—Kellen nods toward me—“is going upstairs to wait nervously for me, wondering what kinds of dirty things I’m going to do to her.”

No… that didn’t make me clench my legs together at all.

“In conclusion,” Kellen continues his monologue to the dogs, “when we get back upstairs, I intend to take said hot date into the bedroom, and the door will be closed. You two are to be on your best behavior, and if you hear the hot date screaming from behind said closed door, you can assure it’s in ecstasy and your assistance is not needed.”

I giggle while simultaneously heating up over what’s yet to come.

Kellen then turns his attention to me. “Don’t you dare take off that dress. I’m going to handle that. It will be like unwrapping a present.”

It’s the longest five-minute wait of my life, or so it seems. I pace the bedroom, look out the window at him on the side lawn, each dog on leash, sniffing around. When they finish and head for the staircase, my pulse kicks up a notch, and I’m twitchy with anticipation.

Glancing around, I decide for mood lighting. I turn on the lamps and kill the overhead light. From the bedside table, I pull condoms I’d stocked up on this week, setting out two, although with Kellen we might need three. He was insatiable last Sunday before he left, and I’m okay if he wants to be the same way again.

I hear him murmuring to the pups. I’d already put out bowls of water and some moose paddles for them to chew on.

And then, the bedroom door opens, and Kellen steps through. My heart thunders at the predatory look in his eyes.

“I cannot give you enough compliments on that dress,” he says as he walks closer. He runs a finger from the base of my throat down my chest, right to the point where the material overlaps. His gaze moves to my hip where the wrap dress is tied. He tugs at the lace, and it comes undone. “See? Like a present.”

Kellen pulls my dress apart, finds the inside tie on the other side, and releases it. Holding the material out, he takes in the black bustier with red satin piping along with a minuscule thong.

“Fuck,” he rumbles. “I guarantee I’m going to use the memory of the way you look right now in a lot of future shower fantasies.”

A purr flutters in my throat, my own fantasy of him stroking himself in the shower turning me on. I’d love to watch that. All the way to completion. “Let’s put that on the agenda sometime.” His eyes snap to mine. “Me watching you do that.”

“Christ, you’re going to kill me,” he mutters before pulling me into his arms and kissing me breathless.

I thought Kellen would move quickly and we’d have a quick fuck to release all the pent-up energy and lust. Instead, he takes his time with slow kisses and nibbles along my skin. His hands stroke me everywhere but the one place I really want it. He bats away my hands when I try to yank at his clothes.

“Kellen,” I growl in frustration.

“Patience,” he murmurs against my collarbone.

Fuck patience. I palm his erection through his dress pants and squeeze. Kellen’s hips jerk forward into my touch, and he practically purrs.

Lifting his head, eyes blazing, he chastises me. “Not nice when I’m trying to explore.”

“We can explore later,” I insist, working at his belt. To my surprise, his hands fall away, and he watches as I work the button and zipper so I can lower his pants slightly. He makes a rumbling sound when I reach inside and take his hard length in my hand.