Didn’t work.

Dad didn’t know my original intent, but he knew what I did because I told him. I also told him that she rolled her eyes, slammed her window shut, and cut me off at the knees.

It was a lesson, and he consoled me. I lost my virginity not long after that and didn’t even have to humiliate myself. Turns out, genuine feelings for a girl I started dating, mixed with teenage lust, did the trick.

“Don’t wait up for me.” I grin at my dad as I move to the recliner and lean to squeeze his shoulder. “Will you let Bubba and Princess out one more time before you go to sleep?”

“Got it covered,” he says, patting my hand.

I stop by the kitchen and grab something that could be considered romantic. Maybe I should call Abby to ask if I can come over—but I think she enjoyed me showing up out of the blue the other day, so I’m banking on that same reception.

When I pull onto the property, I don’t fork left toward the clinic but instead take the gravel driveway that goes toward the main house. As I drive past the mass of rhododendrons that had blocked my view of the barn when at the clinic, I have a clear line of sight to the horse paddock. There’s no outdoor lighting, but the moon is bright. From a security perspective, I’d suggest installing motion-activated lights at the least, but that’s not my primary purpose.

I’m here for a kiss because I don’t want to wait for dinner next week.

The garage apartment is on the far side of the house, so I follow the driveway and park behind a small Honda Accord that I assume is Abby’s. Lights are on in the apartment windows, and I spy an exterior staircase that leads up.

Everything is incredibly quiet as I make my way up to her door, illuminated by a soft, glowing outdoor sconce that a moth flutters around. I’m happy to see she has a peephole in the door, and after I knock three times, I stand back so she can get a good look at me.

I hear locks being undone, and my heart is about to leap out of my chest, wondering what she’ll answer the door in. Sweatpants? Lingerie? Welcoming smile? Anger for disturbing her?

It’s none of the above.

It’s better.

Frayed jean short shorts, a white tank top molded to her body so, for the first time, I actually get an idea of just how curvy she is. Bare feet, toenails painted pale pink, and fuck, if I don’t find the sexiest thing about her—the reading glasses perched on the end of her nose.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” Not the best greeting, but it’s what has my attention.

She grins and pulls them off. “I don’t, but I took my contacts out and still had some reading to do, so these help in a pinch.”

“I don’t peg you as a romance reader. Science fiction?”

“Studies on feline leukemia.”

“Same thing. Nerdy stuff. But the glasses don’t make you look nerdy. In fact, they’re kind of hot.”

Abby rolls her eyes, but they land on the container in my hand. “What’ve you got?”

“Bribery. Hoping I could talk my way inside to hang for a bit, and in return, I brought some amazing pineapple upside-down cake my mom made.”

A smile blooms bright on her face. “Yum. I have vanilla ice cream we can eat with it. Come on in.”

She spins from the door and starts to walk toward the tiny kitchen that’s separated from the living area by a small counter. I enter the apartment, shut the door, and reach out quickly to grab her wrist. She turns back to me in surprise, and I use the momentum to pull her to me. We’d be pressed against each other if it weren’t for the container of cake between us.

“That’s not quite the truth of why I’m here,” I say. She stares up at me with those clear green eyes, head tipped slightly with intrigue. “I came for a kiss. I can’t wait until next week.”

And fuck me… her eyes flash with something hot and needy. “A kiss.”

I nod. “Not asking permission. Giving you fair warning.”

Abby takes the container from my hands, and I expect her to slow things down by turning for the kitchen. Instead, she tosses the cake onto the nearby couch, along with her glasses, where they both tumble off and onto the floor. She doesn’t spare them a glance, and it doesn’t matter… the cake will taste just fine all mushed up. If her glasses broke, I’ll buy her a new pair.

My hand flashes out, grabs the waistband of her shorts, and I pull her hard into me. Abby gasps, but her eyes darken, like ferns under shade trees. I don’t touch her anywhere else, and we just stare at each other. I take in the long lashes framing those stunning eyes, the dark sweep of her bangs across her forehead. Delicate nose, aristocratic cheekbones, and a lush mouth. She’s a perfect creature, and I memorize the details so when I close my eyes at night, I’ll see them clearly.