But somehow, without calculated effort on his part, he’s making me care about him. And I say without calculation, because the things he’s done for me so far—taking Princess, bailing me out of jail, bringing me lunch—have been accomplished without any expectation of something in return. It’s just who he is, and that is as attractive as his beautiful body and his talents in bed.

When he invited me to dinner with his parents tonight, I didn’t hesitate in accepting. I like being around him too much to be wary.

Kellen angles his head and brushes his lips along my neck. “Wish I could stay with you tonight.”

“But it’s your parents’ last night, and you should be here with them.” We had this discussion already, and while we’re both eager to explore each other again, it won’t be tonight. “Plus… you have to get up early to take them to the airport.”

“Then what shall we do tomorrow?” Kellen asks, accepting the dish I just rinsed.

Tomorrow I have a full day off, and Christy is covering the boarding guests and overnight patients. Another vet will cover emergencies. It’s not often that I get a full twenty-four hours off, and Kellen has asked to spend it with me. I agreed without pause.

“I’ve got to clean out the stalls and feed the horses, but after that, I’m all yours.”

“I suppose we shouldn’t waste what’s supposed to be a gorgeous day by lounging naked in bed.”


“That would be good.” He puts the dish in a lower cabinet and reaches out to take another from me. “Or we could go into Pittsburgh and tool around.”

“Let’s be spontaneous.”

“Did I hear someone mention spontaneity?” Lila says as she comes into the kitchen, carrying two empty coffee cups. She hands them to Kellen who drops them into the soapy water before me. “Because I think an unplanned trip for ice cream tonight sounds like a great idea.”

“I think your mom is on to something.” I shoot her a smile, and she winks at me. It’s been a pleasure getting to know the McCords as they are so down-to-earth and genuine. “There’s a great little place across from the courthouse.”

“Oh, not me and Charlie,” his mother says with a shake of her head. “You two should go.”

“We should all go,” Kellen says with a tone that indicates it’s not up for debate. But it’s so sweet his mom is trying to make it so we have alone time.

“Do they have outdoor seating?” Lila asks.

“They do,” I reply, finishing the coffee cups so Kellen can dry. “It’s a gorgeous night out.”

“We should bring the dogs,” Lila says just as her husband walks in.

“Bring the dogs where?” Charlie asks.

“For ice cream. Get your shoes on.” She turns to her son. “You and Abby can take the dogs in her car, and we can follow in your SUV.”

Kellen walks over to his mother and wraps his arms around her. He presses his lips to her head. “I love you to the moon and back, Mom, but stop trying to orchestrate it for me and Abby to have time alone tonight. We want to hang out with you and Dad.”

“Truly,” I say with a heavy drawl of annoyance. “I can only take so much of your son in one sitting. I’d prefer it if you were with us.”

Kellen shoots me a look that says if I were into spanking, he’d oblige me later, but Lila and I share a laugh.

Releasing his mom, Kellen says, “Why don’t you and Dad get the dogs leashed up? Abby and I will clean out my SUV.”

Kellen’s parents head back into the living room, and Kellen grabs my hand, dragging me through the kitchen and out to the carport.

“Your car doesn’t need to be cleaned out,” I say as he pulls the door shut behind us.

“I know.” He spins me around and pushes me into the wall. Pressing his body against me, he frames my face with his hands and kisses me breathless. Lifting his mouth, he murmurs, “I just had to get a taste of you to last me until tomorrow.”

“You can kiss me anytime you want,” I whisper.

“Might do more than kiss you if we have enough shadows.” Once again, the man manages to send a shiver up my spine.

The door to the kitchen opens, and I jolt, knowing his parents are coming through. I try to push him back, but he won’t budge, grinning down at me.

“One more kiss,” he says.

“No,” I growl low, hands to his chest. My face flames knowing his parents are watching us.

“Oh, just hurry up and kiss her,” Lila says as she moves past with Princess.

“See? Mom says I need to kiss you.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine.” My tone says I don’t really care and just get it over with, but when he kisses me again, I forget about his parents, and the dogs, and the ice cream.