Brielle Ashford is my kryptonite.

She comes down from her high, her gaze locked on the show, and I lift my head, giving her a chance to breathe. “Holy shit,” she murmurs, remaining down in the sand as I rise to my feet, my stare locked on her bright blue eyes. “That was—”

I shake my head, a smirk pulling at my lips as I reach over my back and shrug out of my shirt. I toss it to the ground beside her and she grips onto the fabric, bunching it in her tight fist. “Uh uh,” I say, unbuckling my belt and allowing my jeans to fall from my hips, my cock springing free. Bri’s eyes drop, watching with hunger as I take my straining cock in my hand and squeeze before slowly stroking up and down. “I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

Bri’s tongue swipes across her bottom lip and she pushes up to her feet, her eyes sparkling with a challenge. She steps into me, her fingers brushing across my chest as her chin tilts up. “Then what are you waiting for?” she asks, slowly turning, my cock pressed up against her firm ass. She glances back over her shoulder, her lips pulling into a wicked smirk. “Come and get me.”

And with that, she takes off like a lightning bolt right into the freezing lake, and without missing a beat, I fly right in after her.

Chapter 24


A piercing scream tears through the silence, and my head rips up off Tanner’s chest in our cramped, army green tent. Tanner sits up, his eyes wide as his sharp stare trails over me. “You good?” he rushes out in a panic.

Hastily nodding my head, we scramble out of our tent, positive we’re about to find someone torn to shreds by a bear … at least I am. Tanner is certain there are no bears out here, only three-headed people in ridiculous positions.

The mid-morning sun beams down over the lake, and I squint against its reflection on the water, but the second I see Riley darting across our campground, naked as the day he was born while screaming in horror, the brightness of the lake doesn’t seem quite so important.

“The fuck is going on?” Tanner roars, trying to be heard over Riley’s terrified screaming as we rush toward him, everyone else bailing out of their tents for the same damn reason. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

Riley stops running, gaping at Tanner wide-eyed as though only just realizing he has an audience. “My dick,” he says, grabbing hold of his junk as Jax and Logan move in beside us. “It’s falling off. Look at it, man. It’s all … it’s all … wrong looking.”

All eyes drop to Riley’s dick, and I gape at it in horror. I can’t say I’ve ever seen Riley’s junk before, but this isn’t right. The skin is darkening and there’s something definitely off, but I just … can’t figure it out. My brows furrow and I lean in, trying to get a better look as the idiot wails in horror.

“I swear, something must have come and bit it during the night. Please, God, tell me I’m not losing my cock. How the fuck am I supposed to screw my way through Europe without a dick?”

Jax moves in as the girls come out around us, watching over the guys’ shoulders. Jax bats Riley’s hand away to get a better look. “Did you fuck something you shouldn’t have?”

Riley shakes his head and goes to respond when Arizona screams. “What the fuck is wrong with your dick?” she gapes, her eyes bugging out of her head in a panic. “I had that shit in my mouth.” She goes green and rushes to the edge of the bushes before doubling over and brutally throwing up as Ilaria and Chanel meet each other’s confused gazes.

“Wait,” Ilaria says, cautiously glancing toward Jax. “Why was Ari getting with Riley?”

“Awww, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Riley starts to chant, not giving two shits about the bomb that accidentally just got dropped.

Tanner shakes his head and pulls back. “I don’t know what to tell you, man, but I don’t think it’s falling off, and it doesn’t look like it was bitten.”

“How can you be so sure? Look at it! Are you not seeing what I’m seeing? It’s fucking brown, man. I haven’t seen your cock for a hot minute, but I’m pretty fucking sure it doesn’t change colors like this. This isn’t fucking normal.”

“It looked fine when you were with Arizona and Jax last night,” I supply, probably not helpfully though. “What did you do after that?”

“Nothing,” he says.

I go to poke at it when Tanner captures my hand and discreetly pulls me away. “Is it hurting or just … brown?”

Chanel leans in even closer, her gaze narrowing as though deep in thought. “I wouldn’t exactly call it brown,” she muses. “More like a golden, shimmery bronze.”