“Oh, what is this?” Jax continues. “The teenage virgin has finally broken, coming to terms with the fact that if he does not run now, the whole class of humans will witness what is bound to be an agonizing climax. The virgin runs, his ability to process orders from his alpha hindered by the raging erection straining to be freed. Astounding. This is truly an odd occurrence indeed.

“The teen rushes down the hallway, breaking into a supply closet so he can climax into his hand and enjoy his moment of solitude before returning to his pack a lesser man. I am beyond speech, beyond words, purely wowed by this rare occasion. What could be more impressive than the display of the no-handed climax?”

I can’t hold it in a second longer, and my laughter comes bursting from the seams.

My teacher whips around, a sharp glare heading straight for me and Jax. “Jaxon and Brielle, is there something you need to share with the whole class?”

“Not at all, sir,” Jax says, waving him off as I struggle to contain myself. “I think we’ve reached the climax of our moment. Though thank you, for your offer to share. I appreciate that.”

The bell sounds a moment later, dismissing the class, and Jax and I take off at the speed of light, certain that another second in this classroom is going to earn us detention. “Gotta go, babe,” he says, throwing the words over his shoulder. “Coach Wyld will bust my ass wide open if I’m late for training again.”

Jax rushes off, and as I wait outside the classroom doors for Arizona to catch up, a text comes through.

Tanner - I’m coming for you, Brielle Ashford. You better be ready for me.

Chapter 18


Kill me now.

I step out of the locker room after training to find Hudson hovering by my bike, and the instant need to strangle him pulses through my veins. The fucker has been watching me all day, biding his time. There’s something he’s been meaning to tell me, and I think I know exactly what it is.


I was hoping this was all in my head, that the times I’ve caught him hanging around the hospital were innocent, and that the way he always seems to pay more attention when Addie is mentioned was simply out of respect. But this? I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking kill him.

I’ve sensed it ever since the attack. Things have shifted. The way he listens when she’s mentioned, the way he seems to know the exact medical terms and what they mean, the way he stormed through the party by my side to get to her. He’s the first to put his hand up whenever I want to go hunting for Colby, and he’s the first to offer to take my place when I do. Don’t get me wrong, Riley and the twins had my back in the same way, but there was something so intense about Hudson’s approach. It’s as though the thought of Addison hurting was killing him inside.

Hudson Bellamy is in love with my goddamn sister.

Taking a deep breath, I pump my hands at my sides before starting the trek down to the student parking lot. I try to calm myself, but this shit ain’t gonna be pretty. It has to be done though.

Hudson watches me from the parking lot, and I see just how miserable he is. Hell, the fucker looks downright sick about what he’s going to say. He’s hoping that I’ll put him out of his misery and welcome him into the family with open arms, but he’s got to be kidding himself if that’s what he wants. Addison has just been through hell, and I can guarantee the last thing she’s thinking about is dating.

Absolutely not.

Hell, even before the attack, it still would have been a no from me, but now things are different. Addison is working through the kind of shit no woman should have to suffer through. She’s learning how to run again, learning how to fly, and I don’t want her dragged down by some guy who isn’t ready for just how much of a challenge it’s going to be.

Addie isn’t some average chick whose biggest problem is bleaching her hair or asking daddy to buy her a new designer bag. Addison has real issues, gut-wrenching issues that are tearing her apart. If and when she’s ready to share her world with someone, I need to know that someone is going to be able to handle it.

My feet hit the pavement of the parking lot, and I cross toward my bike, my hard stare locked on Hudson. He knows I know what this is about, and he knows what’s coming his way.

He’s three feet away.

My hand curls into a hard fist as my bag drops off my shoulder.