Wanting to get home and put this day to rest, I make quick work of my shower. By the time I finish and wrap a towel around my waist, I find the guys huddled in the locker room, just as they were when I first walked out on the field. These fuckers are up to something, and my gut tells me I’m not going to like it.

When they spy me coming out of the showers, their conversation falls to silence, and I narrow my gaze, more than ready to drop a bastard if that’s what I have to do. “Whatever it is,” I say, reaching my locker, repeating the same words I’d said to them only two short hours ago, “forget about it.”

Hudson chuckles under his breath and turns toward his locker. “You’re always so suspicious of everyone, man. I wonder how life would look for you if you just allowed yourself to enjoy it.”

“Fuck man,” I scoff as I hastily dress. “Layering on the bullshit thick today.”

Logan smirks and glances toward Hudson. “Yeah, that one made you sound like a fucking loser, dude. Ease up on the deep shit. Save it for when you’re trying to get your dick wet. Chicks love a man in touch with his emotions.”

Hudson scoffs. “I am not in touch with my emotions. Just saying it how it is.”

Jax laughs and walks across the locker room butt naked, his dick swinging from left to right. He stops by Hudson’s side and throws his arm over his shoulder before leaning into him and giving him a sappy smile. His hand drops to Hudson’s chest and he bats his lashes. “Don’t listen to them, I love a big strong man who’s in touch with his emotions. It gets me hard every single time.”

Hudson blanches at Jax and shoves him hard, sending him sailing across the locker room as Jax’s booming laughter bounces off the walls. “Touch me with your dick out again and I’ll fucking deck you.”

Jax laughs as he balances himself and cups his dick, protecting it at all costs. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time one of the guys has retaliated by taking aim at his cock, but Hudson wouldn’t. He’s not one to waste energy on stupid shit like this. It takes some real messed-up bullshit to get Hudson to snap.

Before Jax gets a chance to bait him again, I grab my shit out of my locker before turning to the guys. “I’m out,” I tell them, still suspicious of whatever the fuck they’re planning. “I’ll catch you fuckers tomorrow.”

And with that, I stride toward the door, looking back just in time to catch Riley glancing back toward the guys with a smirk cutting across his face. “It’s so fucking on.”

Well … shit.

Chapter 6


Homework can kiss my ass. After being arrested yesterday and not getting a chance to complete my schoolwork last night, everything has started to pile up. I’m only one day behind on homework but it’s enough to make my room look like it’s been assaulted by a bookstore. Hell, the fact that I’ve been struggling to focus really isn’t helping either.

I had a game plan for tonight; get in and get it done, but so far, all I seem capable of doing is sitting here and staring at the pages, wondering about the asshole next door. Today really sucked for me, but it couldn’t have been easy for him either. The whole school was talking about his sister, and I’m sure every time he heard the word rape, memories of that night came flying back to him—storming into that room to find his sister on the ground, knowing he wasn’t fast enough to help her.

Knowing Erica stood by while that was happening to Addison and did nothing to help her, just the thought of it makes me sick. Hell, even Colby. One minute he was raping Addison, and the next, he was taking my hand and dragging me out of the party as though he was looking out for me. Fuck, I hate them both, and one of these days they’ll be prosecuted for what they did to Addison. I just have to somehow prove I had nothing to do with it first.

Frustration overwhelms me, and I let out a heavy breath before rubbing my hands over my face and falling back onto my bed. This is useless. I’m not getting anywhere. I can’t focus on a damn thing while my fate is still in the hands of a bunch of cops who can’t see what’s right in front of them.

How the hell did it come to this? Just as my life was starting to turn around. I had Tanner right where I wanted him, and given enough time, I could have fallen madly in love, but this? If I get charged for the assault on Addison, we’ll never be able to see through this fog … not that I should want to try. Not after what he said to me at the track. I can’t help but crave him though. Every moment of every day, I’m pining for him. Every chance I get, I’m staring out my window, hoping for just a glance at him, checking in to make sure he’s doing okay.