“Figured it out?” I ask, my heart leaping out of my fucking chest. There’s no way. It’s simply not possible.

Bri nods. “Yeah, I’ve been going over everything that happened in court, and I know you said Orlando visited you in that jail cell. At first, I thought it must have had something to do with him, but it just didn’t make sense. Apart from being neighbors and Colby’s lawyer, you guys don’t have any other connection, so that got me thinking about what happened in court.”

I stare down at her, unsure where the hell she’s going with this. “What are you talking about?”

“Rachael,” she says, unease in her tone. “She had that baby with her and I was doing the math. He looked to be the right age to be yours. He has the same dark hair and dark eyes, and the way she was smirking at you … he’s yours, isn’t he? You’re his father.”

I blanch, my eyes widening in horror. “I … no,” I say. “Absolutely not. Though I won’t lie to you, the thought did cross my mind, but I was careful. I wore protection when I was with her.”

“So, if she shows up on your doorstep, claiming the baby is yours?”

“Then I’ll happily do a paternity test, but I’m certain. I’m not that kid’s father,” I promise her. “I didn’t know Rachael well, but I do know she was practically engaged at the time despite being a senior, and I wasn’t the only guy she was fucking around with. And I’m not saying that to be an ass, it’s just fact.”

“You’re sure?” she asks, that same hesitation in her voice.


“Okay,” she says, swallowing hard. “That’s not what you were wanting to tell me though, is it?”

I shake my head, my stomach aching with unease. “No, I—”

A piercing scream tears through the night, so loud and raw that Brielle gasps at the sound. “What the hell was that?” she rushes out, her eyes wide and filled with terror.

My grip tightening on her hand, I look out toward the party, fear rattling me as I see people starting to run and more screams fill the night. “I don’t fucking know. Something’s not right.”

“Ilaria,” Bri murmurs. “Your sister. Everyone is still there.”

We take off at a sprint, racing back toward the hill, one foot slamming down in front of the other as I half drag Bri along with me. She stumbles beside me, panting as she tries to keep up, but I don’t dare let go of her. If something is going down, I need to know where she is at all times. But my sister … fuck.

People run everywhere, shoulder checking me as they flee toward the parking lot, desperate to get out of here. I struggle to hold on to Bri’s hand as she gets stuck behind me. People try to cut between us, but they’ll have me to deal with if they even think about breaking my hold on her.

My gaze cuts from one end of the property to the next, searching out the threat while desperately trying to find Addison, but logic tells me she’s already with Hudson.

Looking up the hill, I find all the guys’ cars still here and my Mustang still sitting down at the finish line on the track. I know I should head toward it, but I can’t, not before knowing everyone is okay.

We sprint up the hill and almost get to the top when I come to a screeching halt. Gripping onto Brielle’s arm, I shove her hard behind me as Colby Jacobs stands at the top of the hill, a bloodied knife in his hand, facing off against my friends.

Jax stands front and center, holding Arizona behind him as Logan slowly creeps forward, holding his hand up in warning. “Get the fuck out of here, bro,” Logan says, his other hand out in warning to Chanel to stay where the fuck she is.

My gaze darts around the circle, trying to figure out how to handle this as Bri holds her breath, trying not to make a damn sound. She clings to my arm, her nails digging into my skin, knowing damn well that whatever happens here isn’t going to be pretty.

Hudson catches my stare from across the hill, his eyes wide and petrified. Addie is nowhere in sight. He shakes his head ever so slightly, telling me he hasn’t seen her, and my heart races, a fear I’ve only ever known once before spreading through my veins.

“I’m not leaving until I get what I want,” Colby spits. “Where the fuck is she?”

My stomach churns. There are only two girls he could be referring to and he’ll have to go through me to get to either of them.

Riley scoffs, moving forward to stand in line with Jax and Logan. “You’re fucked in the head if you think for even one second we’re going to give up Addison to a fucking asshole like you.”