“It’s taken care of, babe. He won’t be able to hurt you or Addie again.”

My eyes bug out of my head, gaping at him in horror. “He’s dead?”

“What?” Tanner laughs. “No, but he’s fucked up, and he knows exactly what’ll happen to him if he even thinks about coming near you two again. You’re safe. I promise you.”

My heart swells, and I push up onto my toes, brushing my lips over his. “Fuck camping,” I murmur. “Let’s hide out here until they’re gone, then you can fuck me for the next few days straight.”

“If I have to go camping, so do you, you fucking whore,” Ilaria calls from the closet just as the door opens with Riley grinning like a maniac and holding Ilaria, who’s completely tied up from head to toe, scarfs wrapped around her to keep her from making a break for it. Though, I have to give Riley credit. At least he let her put a top on first.

I snort a laugh and Ilaria glares at me as Riley carries her out the door.

“I wasn’t kidding,” Tanner says. “Put up even one argument, and I won’t hesitate to carry your sweet ass out of here. What’s it going to be?”

Then just to be a pain in his ass, I lean back against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. “If you want me to sleep in a tent, then you best pick my ass up because there’s no way in hell I’m going to do it willingly.”

And just like that, the big asshole scoops me into his arms and throws me over his shoulder, his hand slipping up my thigh and beneath the hem of my shorts to grab my bare ass. “Just you wait, Killer. There’s nothing quite like getting fucked with rocks in your back and sand up your cooch. You’ll fucking love it.”

I’ve gotta give it to the boys, it’s absolutely beautiful here.

As we sit out by the lake, the moonlight reflects in the still water and the soft sounds of crickets and owls break through the night. The campfire crackles, and I can’t help but feel as though this moment right here is as perfect as it’ll ever get.

Tanner’s arm rests around my waist with his opposite hand drawing lazy circles on my thigh. “Would you quit moving?” I ask, trying to hold his hand still as I rest the cold beer can against his swelling knuckles. “If you don’t ice it properly, you’re going to end up with ugly ape hands.”

“Don’t knock the ape hands,” Arizona says from her spot between Jax and Riley. “I could be wrong here, but it sounds like ape hands come with some thick fingers.”

A laugh bubbles up my throat, which only gets louder when I notice Jax discreetly checking the size of his hands.

“Ewwwww,” Addison says, pretending to block her ears as she sits closely huddled beside Hudson. “I don’t want to know about my brother’s thick ape hands.”

“Sorry, little sister,” Tanner says, a smirk across his handsome face. “But something tells me that you’re going to learn a shitload of things about me this weekend that you’ll never be able to burn from your mind.”

“Ughh, you’re going to make me sick,” she groans, getting up from the old log and dusting the dirt from her jeans. “I need a drink. Anyone else?”

Arizona’s hand shoots to the sky. “Ahh, you said the magic word.”

Addie walks over to the flimsy tents and grabs herself a new drink before scooping up a bunch more, knowing damn well they won’t go to waste.

She comes back, and just as she starts handing out drinks, Tanner’s phone vibrates under my ass. He goes digging in his pocket, and as he pulls his phone out to see his mom calling, apprehension settles on his face. He hits accept and lifts the phone to his ear as everyone watches on.

“Hey Mom,” he says, his gaze sailing across to Addie. “Yeah, she’s right here. Why?”

He listens for a moment, his lips twisting with a wicked smirk. “No shit,” he says with a fake gasp. “He got jumped? By who?” There’s a pause as he waits for his mom’s explanation. “Nah, we headed out right after the game, wanted to make the most out of our camping trip. They got any leads?”

Tanner hits the speakerphone button on his phone, and we all listen in with bated breath. “Not as of yet, but I’m sure the school will launch their own internal investigation. Though, after what happened during the game, don’t be surprised if they look at you.”

“I’ve got nothing to hide,” he tells her, more for her benefit. “I’m sure the school surveillance system will be able to show me leaving right after the game anyway.”

“Of course,” she says. “Now, I wanted to wait until you two had come home to tell you but, seeing as though you’ll be out for the night, I might as well tell you now.”