I shove him back to his side of the desk, a shiver of disgust sailing down my spine. “I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades,” I tell him. “If you think she’s done with your shit, then ask her yourself. I’m not doing this messenger bullshit anymore.”

His face scrunches, clearly not liking the idea of handling his own shit like a man. Then I feel Arizona leaning into my other side. “Tell that knob-jockey to mind his own damn business before I shove a ten-inch dildo up his ass … with no lube!”

“I … no. I’m not telling him that!” I whisper-yell. “You two are as bad as Logan and Chanel. I’m not getting involved.”

Arizona rolls her eyes and resting back into her seat, sticking her legs out as far as she can under the desk, and seeing as though she’s tiny, it’s not very far at all. Jax on the other hand just looks confused and leans in again. “Did she say something about a dildo? I’d prefer to fuck her with my own equipment, but if she’s down to explore a little, then I don’t mind.”

I shove him back again. “You’re so gross.”

Jax laughs to himself, and I realize that the asshole was just fucking with me for a bit of entertainment. When I glance at the clock again, there are still eight minutes left.

Damn, time is moving slower than Jax’s brain.

I need something to entertain myself.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I can’t resist glancing across at Tanner again. Except, for the first time all lesson, his eyes are actually on his teacher and not me, taking away any hope of entertainment … or does it?

A smirk pulls at the corners of my lips, and I pull my phone from my pocket and keep it hidden under my desk as I open a text to Tanner. My smirk widens, and I feel all sorts of giddy inside as I attach the special return favor video I recorded only for him. What better time to send it than right now?

This couldn’t possibly go wrong.

I hit send and have to choke back a laugh, which only has Jax’s eyes snapping back to me. I quickly lock my phone, but Jax watches me with a suspicious stare before glancing across at Tanner just as his hand slips into his pocket. “What?” he asks, the curiosity killing him. “What did you send him?”

I consider not telling him when I remember I’m talking to the least judgmental, free-spirited person I’ve ever met. “The girl version of a cum shot video,” I tell him, watching as his brows shoot up and a devious grin crosses his lips.

Jax laughs and shakes his head before turning to watch Tanner, both our stares locked heavily on his face. He brings his phone to his lap, keeping it concealed from the teacher’s view and I watch the exact moment he opens the video.

Tanner’s eyes go wide, and his head snaps up, almost breaking his neck as he whips around to meet my stare. His jaw is slack, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to keep from bursting into laughter.

Not wanting to miss a second, his gaze falls back to the video, discreetly watching every moment of it. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he rewound it just to start from the beginning in slow motion.

His expression begins to change as I watch his chest beginning to rise and fall a little faster. He presses down beneath the desk to adjust himself, and I’m not going to lie, watching him get hot while knowing exactly what he’s looking at is getting me just as excited.

Tanner sinks lower in his chair, clenching his jaw as he’s forced to adjust himself again. “He’s not going to make it,” Jax murmurs, just as intrigued by the show as I am, only for very different reasons. “The fucker’s gonna come in his pants.”

“No he won’t,” I laugh.

Jax shrugs and gives me a blank stare as though I should know better before turning back to watch the afternoon’s entertainment. It wasn’t the longest video, and I know he’s gotta be getting close to the end when Jax laughs again.

“Ahh, and here we have the teenage virgin, stumbling through his first sexual encounter,” he mutters low, doing his best David Attenborough impression. “The mating ritual of the human species is more commonly performed as a pair. It’s animalistic and often very wild and raw, however here we have found an odd occurrence. What appears to be a solo performance brought on by nothing more than a visual.”

Tears leak from my eyes as I do everything I can not to laugh when Tanner shoots to his feet, the front of his pants tenting as he bolts for the door, his teacher yelling in his wake.