“Don’t even joke about it,” I say, giving her a blank stare. “It’s way too soon for that shit. But don’t be fooled, little sister, I won’t hesitate to drop your ass if the moment calls for it. I have seven weeks of missed opportunities to make up for, and who knows, they might all come at once, or I might surprise you with them one by one. Get you when you least expect it.”

Addie’s glare narrows and she holds my stare much better than Mom ever could. “Bring it, clown,” she says, holding her arms out wide. “Go ahead and underestimate me. I’ve had seven weeks of sleeping. Do you have any idea how much extra energy that is than the regular eight hours a night? It’s like twenty four hours a day times … wait, how many days are in seven weeks?”

Dr. Arton rolls his eyes. “There are forty-nine days in seven weeks,” he clarifies, “which is something like a thousand or so hours. However, while your theory has some merit, that’s not exactly how it works.”

Addison grins at the doctor before turning to me, her brows bouncing. “You hear that? He said my theory has merit. I have a thousand hours of energy running through these veins. I’m like the Energizer Bunny on steroids. You can’t beat me. In fact, you should be shitting yourself right about now. Sleep with one eye open, big brother.”

Dr. Arton rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Do I need to remind you that you’re in a fragile state? I’m ninety percent sure you’re joking, but I will go through an extensive list of what not to do if I feel it’s called for.”

Addison laughs. “Am I joking? Who could ever know?” she says, the apples of her cheeks pressing up with her wide smile. “Though feel free to take Tanner through that extensive list of dos and don’ts. He’s got nothing better to do other than carting around a crap ton of balloons like the clown that he is.”

If it weren’t for how proud she looks for that quick wit of hers, I’d be more than ready to put her in her place. Though, to be honest, if this past week is anything to go by, I have a feeling Addie is about to start getting away with murder when it comes to me.

Dr. Arton grumbles something under his breath before turning toward Mom. “I think I’ve covered everything, so unless you have any questions, we can get Addison’s discharge papers sorted out.”

Mom stands and gives him a smile. “Discharge papers would be good.”

With that, Dr. Arton and Mom take off down the hall toward the nurses’ desk, and I watch after them, knowing the doctor’s routine well enough by now. Bad news gets discussed with her in private, though I’m hoping this one time I’m wrong and that he really just wanted to escort her to the nurses’ desk.

Dad gets up and starts collecting Addie’s things, throwing her phone and charger into her bag before starting on the shit she’s left scattered across the other half of the room. I get up and walk over to the massive display of get well soon cards, balloons, flowers, chocolates, and teddies. “What the fuck am I going to do with all of this?”

Dad sends a scathing glare my way. “I’ve had just about enough of your language, boy,”

I grin. “Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?” I question. “You gonna beat it out of me like you did when I was a kid?”

He holds my stare, but it doesn’t take a genius to see that he wouldn't be able to get within ten feet of me. I tower over him now, and those scrawny arms of his are barely strong enough to hold up his ego. The asshole has been terrified of me since the second I started to fill out. I see it in his eyes. He’s waiting for me to break, waiting for the day I’ve finally had enough and put his ass in a hospital bed just like the one Addie’s in.

Giving up, Dad huffs and turns before storming for the door, leaving me with a pissed off Addison. “Seriously?” she demands. “Do you really have to push his buttons like that? He’s going to end up leaving again.”

“Would that be such a terrible thing?” I question. “It’s so chill when he’s not here.”

“Yeah, for you,” she mutters darkly.

I roll my eyes and make my way toward her before letting out a defeated sigh. “Fine. I will try harder to be pleasant when he’s around. Now, can you hurry up and tell me what the fuck I’m supposed to do with all this bullshit behind me so we can get out of here? I think burning it would be the quickest option.”