“I am not questioning Colby Jacobs’ involvement in this. His DNA confirms that he was responsible for the rape of Addison Morgan, and he will be dealt with. However, right now, what I am questioning is what kind of involvement you had in this attack. You were the brains of this attack, and Colby was the brawn. You set Addison up, and you used Colby as your pawn to do it.”

I shake my head, his every word killing me, but before he can continue, the door flies open and Orlando—my brand-new stepdaddy—comes striding in, his face full of anger. He stares at me in repulsion. “Don’t say another word. We’re leaving.”

I stand, my eyes wide as the detective whips around to face Orlando. “Excuse you. I was not through with my interrogation.”

“Don’t play with me, Jones,” Orlando spits. “I’m Miss Ashford’s lawyer. I have reviewed your evidence and your case. You’ve got nothing. Now unless you plan on charging my client, you have no grounds to hold her.”

Detective Jones slouches in his chair, anger burning through his stare, and as Orlando holds the door open, I don’t let my opportunity go to waste. I push past the small table and toward Orlando before turning back to Detective Jones. “For the record, the two officers who stormed my classroom today will be facing charges of their own for the way they handled my arrest, and unlike you, I won’t need to fabricate evidence to make it happen.”

And without another word, I storm out of the interrogation room, knowing damn well that the race is only just getting started.

Chapter 2


The door slams behind me, and I’ve barely walked into Orlando’s mansion before my mother is coming at me. Her hand lashes out and smacks across my face, and before I can even flinch or register the pain, her ugly words are thrown at me. “How dare you embarrass me like that,” she seethes, her whole body shaking with rage. “I knew that Colby Jacobs was a piece of work, but this? How could you do such a thing? I raised you better than this.”

She waves her arms, putting on a show for her new husband as my hand comes to the side of my face, feeling the throbbing sting left behind from her hit. “Are you kidding me right now?” I demand, my eyes wide with disbelief. “You really think I had anything to do with this? You’re my mother.”

“The evidence is right there, Brielle,” Mom spits. “You don’t think I remember all the late nights over the summer, all the times that boy snuck into my home? And now look. How am I supposed to live knowing that my daughter committed such a crime? I have to walk out of this house every day and hold my head up while that woman next door watches me, knowing exactly what my child did to hers. I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. Rape? RAPE? And you had the audacity to say such awful things about Jensen when all along you were the one behind that attack. I’m disgusted with you, Brielle. I don’t even recognize you anymore.”

I gape at her, my world crumbling around me. “I didn’t do it, and if you were any kind of parent, you would be able to see that I’m telling the truth. I was at that party, but it had nothing to do with me. It was Colby and Erica. They were hooking up behind my back all summer. Erica and Colby gave her the drugs, she told me only a few days ago, and I told her if she didn’t come clean to the cops that I would do it for her. Then Colby rammed his car into mine to ensure my silence. Why don’t you believe me?”

“It’s like a big web of lies with you, Brielle. I never know what to believe anymore.”

I step into her, my eyes wide and full of fear, unable to comprehend the idea of her thinking I’m guilty in any part of this. “Mom,” I whisper, reaching for her, only to have her flinch away from me. “I didn’t do this. I promise you. I know you and I have had our issues over the past few weeks, but I’m still the little girl you raised. I … I swear to you, Mom. Erica is lying. They did it together, and they’re setting me up to take the fall, and I … I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.”

Something flashes in her eyes, and for a moment I think I can see the mother I remember from Hope Falls, but her gaze darkens once again, her arms crossing over her chest. “How long have you known about this?” she questions.

My brows furrow and I shake my head, confused. “What do you mean? When the cops showed up at school and arrested me, that was the first of it.”