“I don’t care what it is,” he murmurs. “I don’t care if it’s some stupid kid having a laugh with his friends. No one gets away with talking to you like that, whether they’re bluffing or not.”

“Come on,” Logan says, his fingers at my elbow. “We’re going to be late. We’ll sort this out.”

I swallow hard and Tanner hastily brushes a kiss to my temple before allowing Logan to pull me away. I glance back over my shoulder, finding the girls huddled together, their concerned stares locked on my retreating form as Tanner remains right where he is, his dark, cloudy gaze filled with venom.

I’ve never seen this side of him. He’s overprotective and scary, but he’s exactly the type of person I want in my corner when receiving a text like that. Is this the version of him that Addison begged for over the phone while screaming for help? Did she know how he would drop everything to protect her? Fuck, I can’t even begin to imagine how scared she must have been. And to think I was just in the next room. If I had been more aware of Colby and Erica’s betrayal, maybe I could have done something to stop this. Maybe I would have known to keep a closer eye on them.

Logan walks beside me, and as we make our way out of the cafeteria, he glances at me with a grim expression. “So,” he says, looking as though he’s about to be sick. “How badly does Chanel want to kill me?”

Two minutes later, I walk through the door of my biology class with Logan trailing behind me. He usually sits in the very back of the classroom, doing everything he can to be invisible and avoid being called on. Only today, I’m not surprised when he drops down in the available seat beside me. “You really don’t have to do that,” I tell him. “You can sit in your normal spot. Nothing is going to happen.”

Logan scoffs. “You really want to be the one to explain to Tanner why I wasn’t glued to your ass the whole way through the lesson? I sure as fuck don’t. Face the facts, Bri, today is the day we cross all those personal boundaries. I’ll sit on your lap while you take a dump if I have to.”

I gape at him as he smirks right back at me. “Like that’s any worse than scooping chunks of your vomit out of my pool with my bare hands.”

“You didn’t,” I gasp, humiliation draining the color from my face.

Logan laughs and turns to face the front of the room, leaving my question unanswered. But there’s no way. Logan is rolling in cash. As if he would have done a dirty job like that. I heard the cleaners there first thing the next morning. Actually, maybe I should be offering to cover the cost of that. I’m sure Orlando would be happy to foot that bill.

I’m just about to offer when my biology teacher strides through the door with what looks like ketchup dripping down his shirt. He dumps his things on his desk before glancing up, his eyes locking right onto mine. “Miss Ashford,” he says, giving me a friendly smile. “Principal Dormer has requested your presence in his office.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, my back stiffening with unease, my mind rushing through every little thing I’ve done since getting to this school. “In regard to what?”

“I wouldn’t have a clue,” he says, scrambling for something on his desk before holding it out to me. “I was under the impression it was going to be a quick meeting, so take the hall pass and hurry back. We’re covering some important topics today.”

Well, fuck.

I get up to make my way toward the front of the classroom when I notice Logan following behind and roll my eyes. “Seriously?” I question, glancing over my shoulder at my stalker before reaching out and taking the hall pass out of the teacher’s hand. “I’ll be back in two minutes. Chill out.”

“Mr. Morgan,” the teacher booms as Logan begins following me to the door. “Sit your ass down. I’m sure Brielle doesn’t need you following her around school like a lost puppy.”


“Take your seat or your afternoon will be spent cleaning desks.”

Logan grumbles something under his breath before turning on his heel and stalking back to the table, leaving me to walk out the door in peace. I make it quick, the message leaving me feeling way too uneasy despite the probability of the sender being someone from Hope Falls. I’m safe in the confines of the school. I shouldn’t be worrying about it so much.

I reach Principal Dormer’s office in no time and poke my head into the impressive room as I gently knock against the frame of the door.