“Maybe,” I murmur. “I told them everything I remember from that night and what Erica said to me the other week. I just hope they’re taking it seriously and don’t think I was just talking shit out of desperation to save myself.”

“Who knows?” Chanel says, giving me an encouraging smile. “I’m sure once your lawyer submits your evidence and your name is cleared, they’ll be able to see Erica for the spineless, rotten bitch she is.”

“Cheers to that,” Ilaria says, reaching for her glass and holding it up.

We all clink our glasses together, and while a tight smile rests on my face, it doesn’t reflect the pain circling my chest at the mention of Erica’s betrayal. Thirteen years of friendship thrown away in a matter of seconds. I don’t think I’ll ever recover from that.

Chanel was right—Erica is nothing but a spineless, rotten bitch and soon enough, karma is going to catch up with her. When it does, I’ll be the first one in line to watch her burn.

Chapter 10


What in the ever-loving hell is this?

I walk into Jax and Logan’s home, gaping at the sheer size of the luxurious, modern foyer before me. I knew the twins’ family had money, but I didn’t think it was anything like this. The place is a freaking mansion on steroids.

The lights are dimmed for the party, but that doesn’t even begin to conceal just how truly big it is. The ceilings are at least twenty feet high with a massive staircase to the left that splits off into two directions halfway up, with a stunning wrought iron railing following it around.

The second level of the home overlooks the foyer, only going to show just how big this place really is. It’s impressive and if it weren’t for all the people, I’d already be snooping around. Though one thing is for sure, it would definitely get lonely and cold in a place like this. My heart almost breaks for Jax and Logan … almost.

Music vibrates through the floor as bodies barrel through the front door behind me. I stand with Ilaria, both of us looking around in awe, despite the fact she’s probably been here a million times before.

We spent the afternoon in her oversized closet going over everything for the lawyer. We made sure I had all my evidence lined up and ready while she yanked skimpy dresses off hangers and held them up against her body. She must have tried at least fifty outfits before finally rushing into her father’s closet and grabbing one of his white button-down dress shirts and pairing it with the most stunning black corset I’ve ever seen. The sleeves were rolled up, and after spending twenty minutes trying to get into a pair of thigh-high boots, she was ready.

Not going to lie, she looks fucking gorgeous and makes me feel severely underdressed in my high-waisted shorts and cropped tank. Though, she did lend me a pair of boots, and I’m a little obsessed.

“This place is incredible,” I call over the loud, thumping music.

Ilaria grabs my hand and starts weaving through the bodies. “Right, just wait until you see the rest of it,” she says, eyeing every guy she squeezes past as a potential candidate for her night of screwing around. “Jax is a showoff, so you can guarantee that any party he throws will be the biggest and best this place has ever seen.”

I can’t help but laugh. Why am I so not surprised by that?

“You know,” she says, glancing back at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I heard they might have even invited some guys from Broken Hill. You know those brothers I was telling you about from there? Nate and Jesse Ryder?” She pauses looking expectantly at me, so I quickly nod, kinda remembering her saying something about them during one of the boys’ football games. “Apparently, the older brother, Nate, is super into racing as well. Could probably go pro if he wanted to.”

“No way,” I say, kind of excited by the thought as she drags me through the mansion, bypassing all the partygoers and beelining for the backdoor. “Like, as good as Tanner?”

Ilaria scoffs. “I don’t think anyone could be as good as Tanner on the track. Though, I’m sure if you asked the Broken Hill crew, they’d probably say differently. I guess no one will really know until you get them on the track together.”

Excitement drums through my veins at the thought of watching Tanner go head-to-head with another racing legend, and I find myself walking just a little bit faster, desperate to see him again. I don’t think the rush of being near him will ever go away. The way his eyes clock me every time I walk into a room is addictive, but nothing is better than the way he watches me after that. It’s as though he’s mentally preparing a list of all the filthy things he’s going to do with me, imagining exactly how he’s going to bend me over, how he’s going to slide inside of me, and how his handprint is going to decorate my ass for hours afterward.